Chapter 03

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After separating from the trio, Rimuru goes to the safe end of the Et Le Rouge mountain. He immediately digs a hole in the dirt and sets traps.

He still had the head of the bloody mamba completely preserved; the traps were smeared in poison.

Though he spent most of the time setting traps, he's now ready to hunt. For now, he hunts mostly white wolves for the pelts later on.

Rimuru: "After evaluating all the monsters we hunted, we get the rights of earning the corps, as I remember. Then it'll be better to have their pelts."

Rimuru spends the few weeks hunting wolves only, the shadow dog who's monitoring Rimuru seems a bit taken since he thought Rimuru would go outside the designated area but it seems like it won't happen so he decides to leave since there's nothing more to see, or so he thought.

I've already gathered 60 white wolves here. I think it's about time, the one who's monitoring me is also gone.

Ever since I arrived in this area something has resonated with me. And when I asked Ciel I was shocked, to think that their influence in this world is strong.

Recalling their conversation 1st week of the evaluation.

Ciel, is there something outside this fence? Something has been bothering me for a while now.

{There's a lot of things out there, master. Monster graded B and above exist there. And also, some tribes exist past this mountain too.}

Not that. I already know many tribes exist beyond this mountain but that's not what I meant.

{Well, if you want me to be specific, that would be because of Beelzebub.}

Beelzebub? The demon? He's sealed past this area?

{No, only his remains. He's a bit far away from you but yes, Beelzebub is there somewhere.}

I can integrate him into my body, right Ciel?

{Yes, there'll be no problem but as you know there's a restriction.}

Tsk, dammit. What do I do to remove that restriction, Ciel? And what are these restrictions?

{First, the Beelzebub here though has the same function as stealing the skills of whoever it devours. Since you're in the human body the skills you can have will be limited and will be replaced if it devours a strong skill, and the skill that's been replaced will never appear again.}

Wait, so the skills I manage to steal can't be integrated?

{Well, master, I can do that but that would be too easy. Also, I made your body because of your request.}

Yeah, right...

{Well, it would be pretty boring if you grow too much and rely on skills. You said before you decided to reincarnate in this world that as much as possible you don't want to rely on 'skills' too much since they also exist here, it's just that the people in this world don't know that since they don't have a sort of system here. This world is still not finished; it's been abandoned before it becomes complete.}

Ha, damn it. Well, it's fine, but you know what is Beelzebub here, right? Will it become my skill or not?

{Hmm, I think it'll be better if you find that out yourself, master.}

Okay, okay! I need to find it.

After talking with Ciel, Rimuru stands up and decides to cross the fence.

The area past the fence seems devoid of life, the soil and the trees are all black... no I guess it's burnt?

After walking around Rimuru found droppings-a burning shit.

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