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I was sitting at my desk, listening to the teacher ramble on about...fractions or whatever she was saying, per usual I wasn't paying attention, maths sucks anyways. When I become a professional fighter, I wouldn't need that! But, let's focus on the present.

I felt my sanity start to crumble the more I listened to this middle aged woman talk, so, like anyone else would. I threw a paper ball at her, of course, she got all insecure and mad at me. And sent me to the principals office, what a day... It's better than listening to fractions, I guess.
I could've swore I heard Charlie and Bailey laugh when I left, I chuckled at my turn, knowing they'd probably come and give me company in a few.

I immediately got up and left, thank goodness..

I entered the office, and was immediately lectured by ms.brown, the principal. And was sent to 2 hours in detention! Unfair if you ask me.. « Ashley! This isn't the first time you come into my office, I have already spoken to your parents countless of times. And I apologise but, you should sharpen up before I get you expelled. » expelled!? Tough luck for me I guess..
I then sat down and mindlessly watched the clock, as if I had a choice.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard footsteps of some people running, and a scream. Me and the principal exchanged a glance « the fuck was that? » I asked, Ms.brown shot me a glare, before she could speak I heard another scream, and people running.
I stood up from my seat and watched the door, and I heard multiple banging on it. I felt anxiety overcome me. And the door busted open, there was.. 3 zombies? Am I hallucinating?
But without thought I lunged to the window behind the desk and jumped out, I am not dealing with that. But... I think that was ms.brown's last day.

Z-life Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang