Give it to me...

20 2 2

Max: 🛹
Mike: 🚲
Lucas: 🏀
Dustin: 🧢
Will: 🪄
Nancy: 🔫


🚲: Max? What's going on?

🛹: I saw Lucas and the others... I'm 100% sure they caught us

🚲: Oh shit... what do we do??

🛹: Umm, I'll handle it later but for now, let's just go to your place again

🚲: Okay...

- At Mike's house

- In his bedroom

🚲: Hey, what's so bad about the others seeing us?

🛹: Well... Lucas obviously likes me and I kinda led him on...

🚲: Is that it?

🛹: ...

🚲: There's more isn't there

🛹: Lucas told me something...

🚲: What did he say?

🛹: I'm not sure you're going to believe it

🚲: Well..?

🛹: Just one question, do you support... gay people..?

🚲: Yeah.. why?

🛹: Uh- uhm... Will is gay for you.

🚲: W- what..? Will? No way...

🛹: He is... and when they caught us, I saw the look on his face. He's clearly upset.

🚲: I- I don't know what to say...

🛹: *grabs him by the hand* We did nothing wrong though. We may have hurt their feelings but, we were never with them so...

🚲: Yeah I guess you're right... so does that mean we can still... kiss and stuff?

🛹: Yeah, but they don't need to know

🚲: Do you wanna watch TV?

🛹: Sure

- While watching TV

🛹: *Chuckles* That guy is so dumb

🚲: Exactly! I mean, can't he see that she wants to fuck him?!

🛹: Right! She's been giving him so many signs! *gives Mike a look filled with desire*

🚲: *Stares into Max's eyes* Max...

🛹: You know what I want... *Tugs on Mike's Shirt*

🚲: Yeah... I know exactly what you want... *Grabs Max's neck and pulls her in, her ears to his lips* (Whispers "And I'll give you... exactly... what... you... want... and more..." Sending shivers down her spine)

🛹: Oh? Really? *kisses his jaw* So give it to me...

Mike starts pulling on Max's hair while slowly kissing her neck. "Mmh~" Moans escape Max as she leaned into the touch, allowing the affection. Her back tensed up, her pale skin turned a flushed red, and her eyes rolled back in pleasure. She was touch starved. She needed this.

🚲: Are you liking this? (He muttered between each kiss and bite)

🛹: *nods, grabbing the bed sheets* F- fuck...

Max caresses Mike's dick through his pants, showing how much she wanted it in her. "Are you gonna fuck me with it or what?" She says, desperately. "Yes ma'am..."

🚲: *Removes his shirt*

🛹: Give it to me...

🚲: Impatient aren't we

Max starts removing his pants and underwear. Underneath, revealing an 8 inch pleasuring stick, the tip already leaking with pre-cum. She then removes all of her clothes, showing off her lovely tits and her pussy glistening with wetness.

She licks the slit, taking in his pre-cum. "God Max... mm" She starts kissing his dick, breath hot, lips wet, and he felt so fucking good. "S- stop teasing and suck it..." The teasing drove him wild.

She began to run her fingers over his slit, continuing to tease him, when finally, she takes in his dick. She starts rapidly sucking it and growing even more wet with the sounds of him groaning. "Uggghh~" She wraps her hands around his cock and starts pumping it, his hips bucking up and down with each stroke.

While stroking, she swirls her tongue around his tip which edged him more to his climax. "M- max... I- I'm close... mmph yess..." Then, she stopped.

🚲: M- max why'd you s- stop? *Upset at the loss of her touch*

🛹: What time are your parents supposed to be back..?

🚲: Uhhh, 8:00?

🛹: Wait- *Looks at the clock on his nightstand* it's 6:32, but I heard someone come in...

🚲: Ughhh *He throws his head back* It's Nancy...

🛹: Shit... *Starts putting on her clothes* We can continue this another time, okay?

🚲: Fine... *Also starts putting on his clothes*

- Just in time, they finished getting dressed and Nancy knocks on Mike's bedroom door

🔫: *Knock knock* Mike? You in there?

🚲: Y- YEAH! COME IN! *Hides his boner with a pillow*

🔫: *Opens the door* Oh! Max! Nice to see you're bonding with Mike. I know he's always rude to you and stuff

🛹: Yeah..!

🔫: But... this is not the best way to find you two. You know, alone, in his bedroom... maybe keep the door open next time.

🛹: Oh, yeah *chuckles* definitely might've been weird to catch us like this *she scratches her head*

🚲: We- we were just planning... a surprise birthday party! For- uh- for you!

🔫: *Raises an eyebrow* My birthday's in a month Mike.

🛹: I- It's gonna be a huuuge surprise. That's why we're planning it a month before!

🔫: Aww *gives Mike a hug* That's the nicest thing you've ever done for me Mike! *Gives him a huge smile*

🚲: Yeah... *awkwardly throws a thumbs up*

🛹: *Looks at Mike then looks back at Nancy* W- well! Since you're here, wanna do my hair..?

🔫: Of course! I have the perfect hair style in mind for you!

🛹: *Awkwardly smiles at Nancy* Can't wait..!

🚲: Okay I'm gonna go now... *Leaves the room*

- In Mike's head

🚲: (Shit shit shit... I need to get rid of this boner...)




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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 10 ⏰

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