Getting along

102 1 6

5:55 PM

No one's POV

Bzzt! +1 New Message From: Commie
Tom clicked open his phone to see the notification, he didn't bother to open it up. Instead he turned his phone back around and continued to strum his bass.
Bzzt! He sighed and opened up the message.

Commie: Hey, what are you doing right now?
Commie: Hellooo? You there?

What do you want?

Commie: Just wondering, are you free tonight?

Why do you ask?

Commie: I'm going out for dinner, leaving at 6:30

Do I have to pay for my own food?

Commie: Yeah?

Not going

Commie: Seriously? Fine I'll pay


Commie: So you're going?


Tom set down his phone and sighed. He hates that man with every cell of his body but, hey, free food is free food. He wondered where they're going and if it's going to be eat in or take out. He'd much rather prefer take out, socializing with Tord is the last thing he would want to do, especially over dinner.

Knock knock "Get ready soon, we're leaving in a few." A muffled reminder came from the other side of the door. Tom spaced for a bit, remembering the time he managed to snap out of it and threw on some jeans, a plain shirt, worn out converse and his blue hoodie. He could honestly care less about dressing up for going out.

Tord on the other hand fixed his hair up a bit, put on black jeans, a red knit sweater, and a fresh pair of black converse he recently bought. He checked his phone for the time, 6:20. He quickly spritzed on some cologne before heading to the living room where his other two roommates sat, playing video games.

"Oh! Hey Tord, you heading out?" Edd asked between sips of cola, he quickly turned back to the game with a gasp when he realized the friend next to him, Matt, began to attack his player.

"Yeah, Thomas is coming with." Tord responded and checked his phone once again for the time showing 6:25.

Edd turned his head a bit with a smile before looking back at the screen "Glad you two are getting along" he spoke genuinely.

"Yeah..." murmured Tord, he turned around as he heard a door close. Seeing Tom walking out his room with AirPods in and looking at his phone. "Are you ready?" He asked.

"Mhm." Tom sighed and looked up, putting his phone in his hoodie pocket and following the other to the car.

The ride to the restaurant started off silent. Until curiosity got ahold of Tom and he asked "Where are we going?"

"The Pem" The Norwegian said with a smile.

"Serious? Like the 5 star restaurant? Isn't that like almost an hour away? Adding on with the expensive food and having to make a reservation beforehand for who knows how long you'd have to wait?" The brit babbled on. The other chuckled in amusement, that made him talk. Well until he chuckled.

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