Kevin🍬 X Reader

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Warning: jus a little sad. But other than that it's sweet as a lollipop <3

[🍬Sweet Like Candy 🍬]

It had been a somewhat long, boring, and tiring day for Kevin, the candy man. He had as many customers as normal, but something at the back of his mind was eating him alive. He shook his head as he leaned over on the front desk, trying to keep himself awake. He saw another customer walk through the door, and jolted up, becoming quite more awake as Y/N walked in. 

"Y/n! H-Hi. It's been a while. Where have you been?" The candy boy started. It wasn't a lie that he had feelings for them. He didn't know what they were, and sometimes the feelings scared him, and so normally he would shy away from Y/n. But he took this as an exception, as the acid in his stomach slightly boiled and bubbled, or so he thought. He'd deny butterflies any day, because Kevin couldn't have a soft spot. No no no. So he just swallowed, and tapped a few fingers on the counter top, waiting for a reply as Y/n looked around the Candy Club.

 "No where in particular." Y/n sighed. They also had a gloomy look on them, there natural aurora dimmed. They took some rock candy from a slot, and came to the checkout. Kevin furrowed his eyebrows in thought. "What's on your mind?" He ignored the feeling below his chest. He would always have more concern for Y/n than himself, although he'd question himself. Kevin's eyes shifted from their face to the rock candy they had been holding in silence. Y/n handed it to them, and watched as Kevin stared down at it. He looked back at Y/n, and handed it back to them. They shook their head.

"On the house.. Now do me a favor and tell me what's wrong." Kevin said, trying not to be disrespectful or come off as ignorant. Y/n's eyes seemed to shine like a dolls as they began to water slightly. Y/n looked down at the candy, which had been freely given to them. They leaned over on the countertop as Kevin had before, and kept their gaze away from his. "Y/n..? I only want to help." The butterflies were gone, the only thing pitted at the bottom of his stomach was the feeling that he had done something wrong. Or that someone hurt this person he cared about deeply. His hand with instinct, reached for theirs. And it enveloped Y/n's palm, which caused their eyes to dart from one place to another. Kevin shuffled away quickly, but Y/n's hand went back to his. They softly smiled and it seemed the wetness in their eyes had passed. 

"I just had a bad day." They said, looking up to him. "It's much better now, thank you." They looked at the candy which was held in their free hand, and bit a piece off. Kevin chuckled as Y/n munched on the candy, quite loudly actually. When they swallowed, their soft voice had changed into their normal, happy voice. "Do I still get free candy?" They asked. Kevin laughed and shook his head. "No need." He looked back down at his hand, which was still tangled with Y/n's. He smiled brightly. "If there's is ever anything wrong, you tell me, okay?" His eyes went back up to his dear friend's. They nodded, looking into his eyes and smiling, with another bite of candy in their cheek. 

"Kevin," Y/n squeezed his hand softly. "Would you like to hang out more..? I think you need to spend some time away from this cash register." They both laughed quietly, but when Y/n looked up at him after, he could see they were being serious. A bright blush overlapped his normal tone. And he nodded quickly. "Y-Yes, I do think I'd like that." The candy boy squeezed their hand back as the blush faded away from his face. It was now that he would accept his feelings. "Y/n?" He started quietly, almost hoping the customer of his wouldn't hear. They smiled a bit brighter. "Yes, Kev?" 

"Maybe we could hang out, as like.. more than friends?" His eyes had started down at their hands, intertwined tightly still, not letting go even a slight bit. Y/n blushed as well, and couldn't help but giggle. "Kevin, I'd love that." 


I'll make a part two


Drink water, eat food, sleep, ect.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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