Going Wild

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I was the last of my friends at the gay club that night. Anna and Riley, the adoring lesbian couple of the group, had left for their apartment around ten. Isaac and his best friend Luca left a short while after that, tipsy and giggly as I helped them into their uber. Then around eleven thirty, my former roommate, Izzy, was practically nodding off next to me on the dance floor, so I coaxed her home like the others.

But I stayed. I don't know what it was about that night, but I felt on edge, as if I could sense that something would happen. 

Girls, I got girls, only girls going wild in my mind; Fletcher's lyrics filled the empty spaces of the dance floor. I stumbled my way out of the crowd and leaned heavily against the bar. After a hoarsely shouted request, the bartender handed me my sparkling water with lime. I wasn't a drinker, preferring to take my indulgences elsewhere. Energy pulsated through the room and I perched against the bar, drinking the view in as much as my beverage.

The pink digital clock over the door read midnight on the dot. I stifled a yawn with my drink and felt a pang of disappointment. There was an air of unfinished business about the night. With a sigh, I paid the tiny bill for my waters and started making my way towards the door.

As I dodged my way around two men energetically dancing with each other, my eyes swept across the west corner of the club. That corner was quieter; the rainbow lights didn't pulse in time with the music. But my eyes were caught on a group of people all gathered in the corner. The array of dyed hair and glinting earrings were nothing out of the ordinary here, but there was one figure that had me pausing mid step. 

She was back in the crevice of the wall, both hands behind her head as she swayed with her friends to the beat. Her hair was curly and wild, bouncing mesmerizingly as she tossed her head. Her eyes were crinkled with laughter, then suddenly, they were looking at me.

I knew right then, right there it was so cinematic; I could feel the bass hammering through my feet as I stood trapped in her gaze. With a toss of her hair, she breached her circle of friends and made a slow b-line right towards me. I felt the corner of my mouth creep up in time with my eyebrow, showing her the intrigue that sat coiled in my chest. Her answering smirk unstuck me from the floor and suddenly we were face to face at the edge of the dancefloor. 

"Hey," Her voice came out smooth, just slightly deep for a female. I couldn't help but notice the intoxicating rise and fall of her chest as she stood in front of me, breathless. Her t-shirt was tight and fraying at the cropped edge that ran across the intriguing plane of her stomach. 

My eyes snapped back to hers. "Hey there." 

My heart leapt at the small step she took towards me. "What's a beautiful woman like you doing in a place like this?"

"Looking for a gorgeous woman like you, actually," I laughed lowly and something simmered in me as I watched her laugh too.

"I'm Laura," She said, smiling as she looked up at me through long, curling lashes.

"I'm Hannah," I said, trying in vain to suppress the hot blush that spread across my cheeks. We were an arms length from each other.

"Hannah..." She said, as if trying out the feel of it. Of me. Then she brushed a stray piece of hair back behind my ear and my face caught aflame.

"Laura..." I escalated her venture by sliding my fingers along the waistband of her jeans, lacing perfectly through the loops along her hip.

And I said, "Oh my God, your body's speaking my language"; I didn't know if I was pulling her towards me or if she was leaning on her own, but her raised hand came to rest delicately against my jaw as my head tilted down towards hers. 

The air was electric. I could feel my body trembling as her soft lips collided with mine. She was warm in my arms as I slowly pulled her closer. Her caressing fingers sent shockwaves down my neck and I could taste the warm spice of her Old Fashioned.

We finally broke for air, faces still close. My nose traced the edge of hers as she panted softly against my neck. 

"Wow," her voice came softly in my ear, just underneath the pound of the music. I drew back to see her expression.

Her eyes were gleaming up at me under the colorful lights. "Laura," I said softly. Her smile was serene as she reached to her back pocket, producing her phone. The case was solid black.

My hand slipped regretfully from her hip as she handed me the phone, new contact page filling the screen. My other hand was still gently toying with the hem of her shirt as I punched in my number. I took the liberty of typing a heart-eyes emoji next to my name.

"Thanks," She said with a natural smile. I smiled back. "Well, you looked like you were on your way out just now..."

My smile faltered for half a second. "Uh, yeah, well... all of my friends have already gone..."

She watched me like a cat with it's dinner. My heart thudded loudly against my ribs as she said, "Well, mine won't miss me too much. What do you say we get out of here?"

I tried to suppress the enthusiasm in my nod. "Yeah, no, that sounds great!"

Her hand hooked gently around my bicep and she turned to wave to her friends. I was burning in ever figurative sense of the word.

"Hannah?" My eyes locked on hers. It could be criminal to be that beautiful. "Your place or mine?"

I felt my face burning hotter. "My place is good. Roommates out of town for the weekend..." I could have sworn that her gaze turned mischievous. 

"Your place it is then," She all but purred. I felt myself laughing as I lead her towards the door.

No surprises, I really really liked it...

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