The "First Half of The School Day

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Warning !!!

Some triggers like Exploitation tendencies, Gaslighting, Manipulation, lack of empathy, Narcissism, and swearing. 


November 7th , 1983

Blackish-blue clouds surrounded the sky as gray snowflakes fell from the sky above, the air was heavy and thick making even the tiniest of breath a hassle that took a huge toll on the lungs. The ceiling was filled with vines and cracks on the suddenly dull-colored bright yellow ceiling it once was letting the sky shine down into the room, the bed you were laying on was itchy, old blankets were placed on top of your body, and the pillows were deflated from the once round fluffy ones.

Cold hands were placed on your arm as they held them tightly, fear-ridden actions that held onto you like you were the only safe place. Feeling warm tears hit your shoulder as you opened your eyes to look at what was touching you.

Sitting up you saw Will crying on you as he begged for you to wake up, it was annoying to have the kid cling onto your arm as you were woken up from a peaceful dream and brought to this hellish place that was somewhere you didn't wish to be in right before you had to go to school.

Sighing, you observed the area. Finding yourself back into the upside-down was something you didn't expect to happen so soon again. If these trips were to continue it would make your life a bit difficult to plan out, you need to be cautious of how much Will would speak about you or to tell anyone else about you seeing where he was stuck while being missing.

You held a bit of pity in your heart, although it was shrinking as the kid held onto you crying. You saw he had your backpack on his back and was wearing the extra scarf you put in there. His hands were cold though, his cheeks were red as he cried with ease. 

Meaning he might have found the inhaler you 'left' in your bag after you found it in the bathroom of your room, his body didn't look to beaten down nor sickly at the moment but he had barely been a few hours into the place.

"Please, (Y/n)! Help me, wake up please !"

His eyes were too filled with tears that blinded him of your awake body, you put on a sad worried look on your annoyed face at the rude wake-up call Will gave you. Placing a hand on his back you brought him into a hug and held his small frail crying body, using your other hand to pat his head trying to calm down the child.

"I'm here, Will. Don't worry I'll try to save you." You spoke calmly as you tried your best to relay a compassionate tone that one would show a loved one. His tears sped up as he looked up to see your face.

"I was looking everywhere for you! But I couldn't find anyone, not you..." He sniffled as his voice shook " mom!! My friends!" His body was shivering as he looked at you.

"No one ! I'm alone here with monsters!!!" His voice raised as he started to panic thinking back to a few hours prior to his first appearance here. You hummed as you rubbed the boy's back in circle motions making him relax into your body.

It was a sight to behold as the boy was in your lap as you held him in your arms in silence, closing your eyes hoping to speed up the transfer back to the real world leaving the crying boy alone once more. You filled his ears with soft words of promises to save him, to protect him, and everything else you could tell the boy. Filling his heart with hope as he was depending on you to save him.

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