Ice Bath: Part 3

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When Princess made it into work, with a face devoid of life, at the sight of her Dee at once said, "Ah dinnae ken whit's happened hen, but ye're no' workin' today."

Princess lightly staggered and trembled as she made her way through Dee's Upon the Railway. Then went limp when Dee sat her down and she collapsed onto the stool, behind the café counter, below Rodric's wilted brown bouquet.

"Prince, hen, ye're as pale as sno' when wis the last time ye ate?"

Princess half shook and nodded her head and then winced because it hurt her head---or brain---to do so. She then struggled to respond. Thinking was a strenuous and painful feat when her brain was foggy and spent. She then broke into fresh tears as she feebly moaned, "Ah cannae remember..."

"Ohh, ok-ok, hen it's alright---Gad did ye drive like this? Angus please, a fresh bun an' tea. Princess look at me---Princess. Ah havnae seen ye like this since ye were fifteen an' full o' drugs. Whit happened? Wis it someone? Rodric? No---ok-ok someone else?"

Princess then faintly whispered, "Mam."

New tears streamed down her face. Princess knew that if she spoke aloud exactly what had happened yesterday, and why she was so upset, she would feel like a fool. A pathetic fool of a person who had got all wound up over nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

A stranger had not taken advantage of her. She had not been hit. She was not black or green or blue or purple. No one had laid a finger on her but herself. She had no reason to be so upset. No reason to turn up to work to lay this all upon her godmother and disrupt her day.

"Ah'm sorry." Princess said softly, sobbing.

"Naw, naw-naw, ma Prince, ye have nothin' tae be sorry for. Ok? Ok? Prince? Look at me, hen---ok?"

Princess nodded her head pitifully. Dee then kissed her forehead and Angus came along with a warm iced bun and big cup of milky tea.

"Here, ye ar' hen," he croaked gently, as he laid the plate and mug atop the counter.

Princess slowly and carefully tilted her head back and forth with a meek nod and faintly smiled at Angus. Then her lips quivered downwards, and she moaned like a little girl, "Ah dinnae feel good."

"Anno, hen. Ah ken. Please. Take a bite. One bite an' a sip o' tea." Dee almost cooed. "C'mon together."

Princess slowly and sluggishly did as Dee said as her godmother helped feed her. Half a cup of tea and a quarter of a sweet---and salty with tears---bun later, Princess had slightly begun to regain colour in her cheeks.

"Ye feelin' a little better hen?" Dee asked.

Princess nodded and smiled softly, then slowly murmured, "Ah dinnae ken why..."

"Prince, ma hen, 'is is whit they call a relapse. It's perfectly normal an' ye have nothin' tae feel bad or ashamed about."

Silent tears fell from Princess's eyes as she absorbed what Dee said. Then she shook her head painfully and put her face into her hands and sobbed, "Ah shouldn't have gone back home."

Dee gently rubbed Princess's back as she cried.

Then once Princess had finally dried her face and calmed down enough, Dee told her to take the day off, and if she wanted to, she could come and stay with her until she decided what she wanted to do next.

Princess nodded in response.

Dee then asked her if she wanted Hew or Adie to come and pick her up. Princess was too wrung out to think, so she let Dee choose. It was then decided that Hew would come and pick Princess up and drive her back to their farmhouse.

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