Chapter 4 To Seal The Deal

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Philip's POV

I disguised myself around the market with the identity of a businessman. What better place to know how the state held itself up than its buzzing markets?

I met a few merchants. One of the merchants I went to was a jeweller. The shop was grand. I went to get a necklace for my sister. She does not love fancy jewels, just like the others so. I asked him to show some simple designs which suited Amaia, the best ones. He was kind enough to explain the speciality of each jewel. He noticed my different attire and quickly got on to the fact that I was not from around here.

"Where are you from, young man?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity, but I could sense the suspicion slowly creeping into his voice.

"I am a businessman from England. I came here for business, you see"

"Oh that's great! What business are you here for then?" He further questioned me.

"Well basically we want labourers for our factory. We are planning to start a steel factory here".

"My name is Patel. What's your name?" he asked.

"My name is Philip. It's nice to meet you Mr. Patel" I extended my hand for a handshake with a smile. He shook my hand, with his grip firm.

"To start any business or factory here in Rajputana, you will need the approval of the king, but our king is suspicious of outsiders. But you don't worry, young man. You seem like you're here for a good cause".

I smiled at him for how foolishly he had given in and how he was now right where I wanted him to be.

"Well of course I am here for that and Rajputana seems like a very good place to start".

"Of course! Our Rajputana is a great place to start and we have a good labour force. We can provide it! And don't worry too much. Actually, I am an advisor to the king. I can take you to him if you need!"

"Thank you so much Mr. Patel. I don't know many people here in Rajputana. It's all new to me".

"You may come with me. I shall introduce you to some influential people of Rajputana. Just a minute I shall just -". He turned to call someone to take care of his shop as he stepped out and guided me along the busy markets.

We went into an antique shop and Mr. Patel introduced me to yet another advisor of the king. Mr. Sharma was a chatty person, but in the end, he agreed to help with the setting up of the factory and even said he is willing to invest capital for the factory.

Finally saying my goodbyes to both the advisors, I stepped back into the hot air of this state, which is when something caught my eye. It was none other than Amaia. I could easily find her in this crowd of native people as she was the one standing out from the rest of the citizens. I rushed to her side.

I ran my hands through my hair. What was she doing here, when I left her in the inn with William? Damn it. William. That idiot always lets her do whatever she wants. I placed my hand on her shoulder. She turned quickly, but her face was filled with shock, as if she was expecting someone else.

"What are you doing here Amaia? Didn't I ask you to stay in the inn? Did you get lost or something?" I asked, concerned.

"No, I'm not lost. I just came here to have a look at the market and the people!"

"Did something happen?" I tried to ask her again.

"It's nothing. I just ran into someone" she said with a shrug.

"Who?" I asked, curious.

"I'm not sure who it is, but he just kind of saved me"

"Saved you? From what? From whom?" I asked, worried.

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