2. Intruder

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I sure as hell wasn't a nurse but he didn't seem to notice. Jb flicked his cigarette onto the floor before approaching me with an open hand. "The name is JB." He smiled presenting me with two dimples on the sides of his face. "What are we fixing today." I respond instead of introducing myself. He ignores me and walks over to his friend. The guys say their goodbyes while I try to come up with a plan. It's probably best if I just roll with the punches.I have no kind of medical equipment let alone education but ill make sure my story doesn't end here.

"You want to come inside." He lead me in while unbuttoning his shirt. My eyes scanned the hundreds of trophies and plaques decorating his walls, all having his name inscribed. JB Mauney.

He threw his shirt on his couch and sat up on his kitchens island. "This good?" He asked taking the time to look me up and down. "Works for me."I say examining him myself. When his eyes began to trail down towards my arms I remembered how bloody and swollen my arms were. I swung my arms behind my back then motioned towards a black jacket hanging off a chair. "Can I borrow that?" His eyes became wide with my random question. "Go ahead." The jacket was on before he could finish the sentence and I avoided the awkwardness by just ignoring it.

"So..." I trail off looking for the problem I'm supposedly here to fix. He's looks pretty sound. Maybe he has the flu, could be a broken finger, or a "Dislocated shoulder!" My voice got high with excitement. Not bad for a rookie I'm practically a human x-ray machine. His eyebrows pulled together in confusion before smiling.

"How long have you been nursing?" I grabbed his heavy hand making him wince as I turned it over. "You want something for the pain." I had to offered.Whatever was in here would knock him out for sure and win me some time. "Wouldn't hurt." He accepted and I rummaged through the backpack hoping that whatever I gave him wasn't lethal but effective. Our eyes met when the pill hit his hand and it was gone by the time I looked away.

He cleared his throat once he passed the pill and I decided to look over the rest of his body. After what seemed like hours I took hold of his wrist and decided to just get it over with."FUCK!" It's as easy as I thought it would be. His shoulder popped right back in with a loud click. The grip he had on my arm brought me back to reality. His teeth were gritted and the look in his eyes wanted me dead."What the hell's your name?" "Mallory. My name is Mallory." I responded honestly hoping to steer his attention away from the brash decision i made.

He let me go and got up on his feet. "I'm sorry I thought it'd be best to... surprise you. You know spite the anticipation." He scoffed and cursed under his breathe. He swung his arm around making sure everything was in place and I'm confident it was.

"You know I called for Maggie why the hell didn't they send you." He grabbed his shirt and began to button it up. He stopped halfway impatiently waiting for a response. "She called out sick this morning and the hospital thought this would be a good first outpatient... situation for me."

The only noticeable noise was the house itself creaking and the heavy footsteps making their way to me. In seconds JB was towering over me looking for a crack in my eyes. His eyes burn through mine demanding for the sincerity which is something I won't be for a while so my gaze grappled with his .

I had to wipe the smirk off of my face when I witnessed his pupils triple in size. The drugs I gave him were setting in. Beads of sweat began to line his forehead and his jaw would clench involuntary. "Feeling okay?" I bite my lip.

He leaned against the countertop stretching his neck. "It's hot as hell. What the fuck did you give me?" "Ibuprofen.You might actually be developing a fever. Bend over and I'll take your temperature." I took his spot on the countertop and watched him compose him self.

He pulled a seat in front of me and rested his arms beside my thighs. His face went stone cold again. It's almost like he's was sober again. "How'd ya get here." He gestured to my muddy boots. "Well I live near by so I just walked." His eyebrows raised before he rolled his eyes. "Makes sense you walked here...." he reached over my chest and grabbed my shirt in his fist. "Betty Freeman I didn't recognize you. We've only been neighbors for 5 years." He read the damn name sewn into the scrubs.

My body jerked away but before I could jump off the counter he pinned my thighs down with his hands. "Cut the shit. What are you doing in my house." His teeth we gritted and I was shrinking under his stare.

If my ego wasn't so significant I probably would've cried right then and there but my hands found themselves on a knife within his borrowed coat pockets. He knew what I was doing so his hand came down to strike the countertop my hand squeezed the blade making me scream and drop the knife. Our goals aligned and we lunge towards the weapon and a fight commenced then concluded just as fast. "It's not fair." I huff out. Out bodies were now a tangled mess on top of the table.

Time to play the damsel in distress card. Only thing is the knife pointed at my neck makes it hard to think of a lie. So I abandon all attempts and summarize my story pretty good. The true story.

His body weight shifts as I try to take off the jacket. "Look this is from when I jumped out of the car." I flash my arms at his face and he still doesn't seem convinced. I roll my eyes and push him off of me. "The mud on my shoes, the scrubs I picked off a clothesline, and that backpack is full of money and drugs. I've never done drugs in my life I'll take a test if you still doubt me. I seem to have the shittiest luck in the world and I'm too tired to give a shit anymore " He grabs the backpack and dumps out bundles of money and what I thought were drugs. The "drugs" I though I gave him turned out to actually be Ibuprofen. I cross my arms laying back down. It's in gods hands now all I can do is sleep.

Prospect -J.B MAUNEY Where stories live. Discover now