Chapter 3

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"NOW!" Karlach roars.

The gnolls startle, their surprise turned to ferocity as the five person party springs into action. Arrows have already begun to fly, spells are being cast, and Karlach and Finch are charging in, taking the battle to the beasts. The gnolls snarl and growl as they begin to act. The two hyenas move with deft precision, each one flanking Karlach and sinking their teeth into her calves. She shouts out in pain, and just as quickly both of the beasts are beat back. One is hit with a ball of fire singeing its side, and Finch kicks the other one away from the teifling. It lands harshly in the dirt, but gets up and cackles, as if it knows what's about to come next.

First Astarion is heard, a sound low and rough and obviously in pain, then from Finch too as an arrow sticks in the back of their shoulder. The volley is well timed and well aimed. Asatarion curses, and having recovered enough takes aim at one of the archer gnolls. Before he can let loose the arrow a glowing glass bottle strikes the gnoll in the head and explodes violently. The gnoll staggers back with fresh burns across it's muzzle. Finch's eyes trace the bottles path to the cave in between the rocks. At least two people are in there, alive.

A closer look is no longer possible when their vision is met with claws. Reflexively they dodge backwards, and again when the gnolls swipes a second time. It's unrelenting as it goes for a third and fourth swipe at the monk. Finch dodges twice more and is sent off balance. They land on their ass looking up at the monstrosity, it's claws held high. A crack is heard as Finch delivers a swift kick to it's leg, causing it to fall and whimper in pain. The gnoll bursts into white radiant flames right before their eyes. Finch takes a second to look back at Shadowheart, who nods with determined validation. Finch is quick to their feet. Another sickly crack emanates from the gnoll's skull now crushed beneath their foot. 

The cackle of the regular hyenas drags their attention towards the cave once more, the gaunt creatures stalking whoever takes shelter there. With no time to properly think they rush in, closing the distance between them and animals. They tackle one of the hyenas to the ground, and the other is now no longer interested in the cave. Finch gets up and is now the one being stalked, both hyenas slowly creeping towards them. One darts forward too fast to dodge and latches it's jaw into their side. Finch cries out, and the other hyena charges. Finch yells out again as they block the second bite with their forearm. Their pain turns to anger, giving them the strength to deliver a hefty left hook to the hyena on their arm. It lets go, and Finch wrenches the other hyena from their side, painfully taking a chunk of their flesh with it. With a shout, they use that pain and adrenaline to fuel them as they throw the hyena at it's partner. They heave in place for a moment as they pair of creatures struggle to stand, and their attention is grabbed by someone in the cave. One of the two caravan survivors, an early twenties looking human man was watching the fight. He's wearing simple leather armor with a yellow sash around his waist. Nothing about him is particularly remarkable, and yet his image itches the back of Finch's mind.

They whip around and snap out of their stupor at the sound of Gale - a very, very bad sound. His scream was paired with crunching and cracking. They turn to see the wizard in the jaws of the largest and most intelligent gnoll - the leader, undoubtedly. They can all but stare in horror as the wizard falls limply to the ground.


Finch didn't realize they were the one shouting until it's head snapped in their direction, fangs dripping with Gale's blood. Each movement it made was deliberate and terrifying as it lumbered towards them. They felt each thunderous footstep and could see the muscle ripple across it's body. It managed whatever twisted smile a gnoll could, then dropped on all fours and charged. The good news was that Gale was being treated by Shadowheart while Astarion and Karlach covered for them, fighting off the remaining gnolls. Finch felt their stomach drop deeper and deeper as they realized they had to distract the massive gnoll boss on their own.

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