Chapter 13 - Boyfriends and Dinners

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Hello, how are you? I'm fine thank you. At this point, I don't have a schedule, sorry for making you wait. I just update whenever I get inspiration. So, enjoy this one.

Warning: Unedited, long chapter


I've been runnin' my mouth around the corner

Chasin' it down the street (bitch)

I cash in my words like I'm a billionaire

Bonnie sighed and rolled onto her left side. After 5 hours of being awake, she was relieved when the alarm rang. Though she was already dreading having to move and get ready for school.

But I don't have food to eat

And I keep talkin' like I'm taller than the trees (bitch)

But my eyes never see much higher than five feet

She sighed again, thinking of her day. It already started badly when instead of sleeping soundly and dreaming of earning money, she dreamed of Damon.

'The audacity of that man to disturb my sleep.', she scoffed, remembering the awful things he did in her dream— or rather nightmares. It seemed Damon was actually smarter than she thought and found a loophole.

Although he could hurt her physically, he could however do so mentally.

And what better way than to give her nightmares? 'Petty stud!', with a huff, she rolled on the other side.

Checking the date on her phone, she noticed it was the day after she had passed out, and since she only awoke a few hours ago, she missed a day in the Vampire diaries.

But I don't have food to eat

And I keep talkin' like I'm taller than the trees (bitch)

But my eyes never see much higher than five feet

She thought hard about the reason she slept through the entire day and came up with her magic for the answer. She had made a strong spell which required a lot of energy and a lot from her. And sleeping helped in a way, to get that energy back.

'Maybe I should drink coffee.', she wondered, even though she doubted it would work.

But it pissed her off to have missed a full day. She hasn't spoken to her friends yet, about what could have happened but she had an idea.

And I keep on telling everyone the truth
But maybe that's not the move (bitch)
And everyone wants to hear a strong opinion
If it's the same as you (you're a crazy bitch)

If she were to go by the plot, yesterday, first, Stefan supposedly got into the football team. Then, she and Stefan would be invited over to the Gilberts to get to know each other around dinner. Dinner that would be disturbed by Damon and a compelled Caroline.

And they say honesty is the best policy (bitch)
If that were true
Don't think all of my friends would hate me

The Bennett girl smirked when she recalled the way Canon Caroline stomped on Elena at the dinner. Although she was compelled at the time, the blonde wasn't necessarily mean only straightforward and tactless at times. She could also speak people's truth with a straight face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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