Week 5: day 4

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Remy laid on her back prop up on the giant pillows in the master bedroom, she had her phone in her hand, she was texting her brother maverick. They didn't seem to know her location yet, too busy with the warlord man hunt in mectex but mav made a point to check in with her to keep her mind at ease and she check in with him. Her father every now and then also pop in with her two brothers. She found all the photos amusing. She missed them, it's Ben 4 months since they ship out across the world on a contract by some high ranking general in that area. They were being paid high dollar to deal with 3 warlords and only had 1 left to take down. Mav had to put his phone away and told her bye. She set her phone on the knight stand to charge. She was hungry so she got up to find ervin who was home for once. She walked by the 4 new guards in the house, since the news of her being with him at the banquet got out. He up the security in the house.

She approached him in the home office, he glances up from the paper work and grins at her. She was in his grey hoodie and a black skirt. the last 8 days she Ben in his manner, he was called away. "Hey pretty boy" she smiled setting in his lap playfully smiling at him. He glanced down at her Dropping the pen on the desk. His hands grab her sides as he leans down kissing her. After seeing her naked, he couldn't help but want her more, he wanted to make her, his. the thought of another man touching her made his skin boil with murderous rage. his hands slid down her sides. He wanted to please her in so many ways. His hand slid down her stomach to between her legs, she gasp stiffening and closed her legs pulling away from him. 'Shit...' he mentally curse himself snapping out of it. He's aunt would reap his dick off for acting this way, he knew better. "I'm sorry remy" he caught himself off gaurd, he never apologized to anyone. He looked into her eyes, she was looking down but her eyes held contact with him. Her look of surprise and discomfort ate at him, he wasn't used to women like her. One has never shied away from him before. He stood up. He knew he had to be patient with her as he gently wrap his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. "I'm hungry...." she says sternly looking at him. He smiled at her "wanna grab lunch?". His desire for her wouldn't take priority over her comfort. She smiled at him "sushi?". "If that's what you want" he leaned down to see if she would pull away again but she held her smile an he lightly kisses her, her soft lips against his. He wanted her to himself. He slowly pulled away before getting too into it. He grab his keys from the desk


Ervin sat at the kitchen bar staring at his reflection in his morning coffee, remy was over at his brothers spending time with kerra. he was Deep in thought as the tight feeling in his chest got deep into his mind.

How she dared disrespect him time after time amused him and with a smile That suited her. Her beautiful hazel eyes so full of playful innocence. Her long brown hair that framed her face and shoulders so perfectly dropping down to her small waist.... The light freckles on her soft smooth skin across her cheeks and chest, He wanted to protect her from the others. he groans exhaling bothered by his thoughts and the tight feeling in his groin.

"What's the matter with you?" Hornet asks walking into the kitchen, bed head, a tank top and baggy pants.

"I can't get short stuff out of my head" he sighs drinking his coffee.

"That's nothing new" Hornet smiled at him.

"I got to handsy with her earlier today".

"How did she react?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"She pulled away" he slack in his chair. "I'm acting like a damn teenager...".

Hornet chuckled at him "when was the last time you had sex".

"The day before I met her....".

"Damn.. I'm actually impressed... cause that a month".

Ervin gave him a stern look. "Can't be with any else, she all I want...".

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