Forgiveness and acceptance

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Finn was sitting on the staircase. He has slaughtered all of the cult members.. A bunch managed to escape but in his wrath and his enhanced form he was able to handle all of them without much trouble if any.

His rage calmed down when he thought about what his brother said... How he killed sage after Finn " betrayed " him. Finn thought about everything and remembered that he had already killed his entire sire-line when he became the new version of himself.

All his siblings were temporarily dead, Aurora's brother, Tristan , was next to her body. Both legs were missing and a bite mark on his neck.. his left arm had been severed from the elbow. He was hugging his sister's dead body lying in the room which was filled with blood, the blood of his friends or his comrades his own blood. He was too weak to regenerate any lost limbs the poison was doing its work and taking him to his death slowly.

His clothes were torn to shreds. The only piece of clothing he was wearing was a shirt and his undergarment. While taking his last breath he cured Finn.

" May they both find peace in the next life. " Finn said, his was only wearing jeans. His upper body showed his muscles, it highlighted how the original owner of the body had worked rigorously to achieve this physique. Finn heard a heartbeat, it was of Klaus.

" Why did you lie?" Finn asked. Seeing Klaus's confused look he elaborated.

" Why did you lie about killing sage? You weren't the one to kill her. I was."

All his siblings were awake and heard it. They were all shocked. The kind and gentle brother who hid behind their mother. The obedient son of Mikael taking the life of a person he loved? They were all thinking the same thing.. was he the same brother they always knew? The suicidal maniac who hated being a vampire? The kind and gentle siblings who was left alone by Mikael?

" You surely jest brother! There is no way you could do that... Is there?" Rebekah said hesitation and uneasiness.

" Did I not slaughter 3000 innocent humans upon my arrival?  Did I not slaughter more than 7000 vampires? Did I not kill a sister in front of her brother? Did I not kill a child in front of his mother?  Did I not kill a lover while the other struggled? I didn't see any of you have any objections then? Or a hard time believing it... " Finn retaliated in an eerily calm manner. 

" What have you done Klaus? You have broken him... All of us have broken him" Kol said while standing up in a dazed state dying so many times in such short time had affected his motary skills, nothing permanent though.

Klaus looked heart broken. Hurt and angry at himself. Was this life he had created for him brother really worth it? Should he just have helped him die? Before he could think more Finn brought him out of it.

" I have done enough for the sake of my family. I have eliminated enough threats caused enough chaos. Killed you all enough times to know it won't help me subside my rage for you guys "

Finn stood up and started walking " I shall take different approach towards you. Instead of being like father and beating you to follow my order I shall give what you crave most... A life free from father, free from your curse."

" I know where father is, I will take you to him. I also know the whereabouts of the doppelganger. You will do the ritual on my terms for now we are going to where father is. With one of your sucky daggers"

Klaus was to shocked and all just obeyed him. If getting rid of Mikael was a possibility neither of them were dumb enough to not take it


The drive to where mikael was kept was very quiet, all the siblings where drowned in their own thoughts. Klaus who had a childhood Full of trauma due to Mikael was unconsciously remembering it all. He wanted to see the truth to the words which Finn spoke. All Rebekah was able to think was if Finn knew that she had betrayed Klaus once, and with Mikael Finally dead would her brother be forgiving? Or his vengeance will strike her again. Would this be the end of the Father children feud which managed to last a thousand years.. how quickly time had passed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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