chapter one

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Ara sat in the middle of Flynn's marshlands, watching as the water rippled when she threw a rock in the center of where she was sitting. Charlotte has been kidnapped twice. She's been in three wars, watched Aspen, her sister, kill Eunecetes and reunited with her mother. All the while, she has never met her father. She found her fists were clenching her kneecaps, and she released her tense grip. Hyacinthos came up behind her and sat down.

"I know you want to find him, but there's a reason he's not in your life," Hyacinthos said gently.

"How come I was able to reunite with Meredith, but not whoever my dad is?"

"Because that's what fate had in store for you. They didn't want you to find him, and they certainly don't want you to have a connection."

"What happens if I seek him out?"

"Fate will do everything in its power to make sure you fail. Take Rose for example. She wanted to build a queendom for herself, and went to great lengths to see it through. She even kidnapped Charlotte for a second time, and no one would have guessed Aevum was the one who brought her back to Easton. She died in the Sylva Pluvali."

"Aevum was the one who brought her back? I don't believe that." 

"It's true. He wanted to stay anonymous, so he dropped her off at Easton's. He's a very contradictory man. He caused a war, but he doesn't want to harm children. He inadvertently did when he created Vorticis. Very strange." Ara didn't say anything, still too caught up in the fact that she has never met her father. Hyacinthos sighed. "I know you're disappointed, but none of your other sisters know their fathers. "

"That doesn't make it right though."

"I know. But I don't want you to get too caught up in it, alright?" 

"Alright." Hyacinthos took off, and after seeing her form disappear into the clouds, Ara stood up after inhaling and exhaling deeply. Her dress trailed behind her as she trekked through the marshlands down to the mainland, through the waterfalls and towards the church.

"Ara, my girl!" Ustrina said excitedly.

"Hello, Ustrina," Ara said politely.

"Where are you going? Seeing someone perhaps?" He teased.

"No. Just walking around aimlessly hoping something will make sense for once." Ustrina laughed brightly.

"A lot of people have tried making sense of things. Good luck with that." Ara rolled her eyes.

"Where are my sisters?"

"Adara and Flynn are at a brunch together with Charlotte, Garrick and Ardor are off on a 'stroll' together, Aspen is with Elias and Audra.. I don't know where she is, to be honest."
"Was she still in the castle when you left?"

"Don't know. I didn't see anyone, though. It's like a ghost town."

"Very helpful, Ustrina."

"Hey! You were the one that asked for it!" Ara rolled her eyes, and as she ventured further to the church, and she saw Audra heading towards Scientia's library.

"Hello, Ara. Do you know where everyone is?"

"Off with their boyfriends or girlfriends."

"Figured. What were you and Hyacinthos talking about?"

"I want to find my father, but.. She thinks fate decided for me that I shouldn't have a relationship with him." Audra sighed.

"None of us have a relationship with our fathers."

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