Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Charlotte's P.O.V

"Fuck him dude! You could do so much better," Auria said as I told her what had happened earlier.

We were now at my house, in my room "doing our homework." We were actually just watching tv and looking through magazines.

"I'm so stupid for actually thinking I had a shot with him. A loser like me wouldn't get a guy like me."

Auria frowned at me.

"Charlie I'ma slap you if you say you're a loser again. You're not a loser. You're frikkin awesome!"

I laughed And shrugged my shoulders. She rolled her eyes at my unethuasticism and turned back to the tv.

I bit my lip deciding whether to tell her what I had in mind. I decided to risk it.


"Hmm," she said slightly glancing at me.

"I want a makeover."

This caught her attention. She turned to look at me wide eyed.

"What kind of make over?"

"Ima take it slow and just start with the wardrobe."

She smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

"Alright then we're going shopping!"

She pulled me off the bed and dragged me downstairs. Before we left I shouted to my mom.

"I'll be back mom. Going shopping with Auria."

"Alright. Be back before 10!" she said somewhere in the kitchen.

We went outside and into her car. She started the car and immediately zoomed out of there.

"Charlie, you're not going to regret this! Ooo I can't wait to start shopping for your new clothes! What made you want to change your wardrobe?" I

shrugged. "I don't know I guess I just wanted to change my style for senior year!"

She smiled and we continued driving towards the mall. 20 minutes later we arrived and as soon as she parked the car she dragged me inside the mall. And headed straight to Hot Topic. Gulp! That store freaked me out!

>>> FF 8:30pm

Finally after a gruesome of 5 hours in the mall we finally arrived home. We carried my bags up to my room and dumped all the clothes, accessories, lingerie (blush), shoes and makeup. I didn't want makeup but we bought some just incase.

Then Aurie proceeded to take out all my old clothes and put them in a black bag.

"We are never going to see these clothes again," she said sighing in relief.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. We started hanging up my new clothes in my closet and my accessories on my desk along with my makeup.

This took a good half hour. We both laid on the bed exhausted.

"Alright Charlie, I'm off. My mom is going to get bitchy if I'm not there by 9:30.I'll see you tomorow and your new clothes." she said smiling at the last part.

I laughed and said," Of course Auria. See ya tomorow."

I hugged her goodbye and she left my room and shortly my house. I decided to take a shower considered I was walking around for 5 hours in a stuffy mall.

I must reek alittle. I went to my bathroom and turned on the water. Shortly it was the right temperature and I stripped off my clothing and stepped inside.

The hot water immediately relaxed my tensed muscles. I sighed, content. Shortly I washed my hair and then my body and lastly my teeth.

That took 40 minutes. By the time I got out it was nearly 10. I wrapped the towel around my body and went in my room, forgetting to get pajamas earlier.

I went in my closet and put on a pair of underwear and then I put on a pair of blue pj shorts and a short short sleeved black shirt.

I towled dried my hair and put cream on my legs. Don't want to get wrinkles when I'm 40. After I was done, I went in my bed, suddenly realizing how truly exhausted I really was.

As I laid in my bed, my eyes started drooping, and slowly I fell into unconsciousness.


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