Close call:

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Remy set in the whispering bell with Ervin at the bar. The two ended their day with getting drinks, Kai had went home leaving Hornet and 2 of the original guards to watch over them. a women walk up touching ervins shoulder leaning over him flirting with him. he glared at her pushing her away as Remy faintly grinned as he harshly told her "get lost whore...". He glanced at her half smiling downing his drink. "I gotta pee" She titled her head laughing. She got up walking toward the back. He grinned watching her hips. She was all he wanted.


he slightly slouch in his set, leaning forward on the bar holding his Pam up to his head not feeling well as Another women walk around him sliding her hand across his shoulders. "Hey handsome wanna have some fun" she asks pulling him to his feet.

remy walked back to the bar. she seen The burnet pulling him away with her, the way he was walking, he's slow movement. Something was wrong as the women leads him out the back to the ally. She look at the bar tender "get hornet.." she went after them as Her stomach turned stepping out the side door and caught the women kissing him with a syringe in her hand raising it to his neck. Remy quickly grab her arm spooking her as she glanced at her surprised then glared at her. remy jerk her away from him and shoved her into the dumpster, her head making a sicking crunch noise when the back of it collided with it. the syringe rolling across the ground. Remy turned her attention to the black headed man leaned against the wall, he was staring at her clearly dazed. "Ervin?" She said concerned. he leaned forward wrapping he's arms around her making her drop down to her knees. She Wraps her arms around him as he held onto her tightly.

 Hornet rushed out back to found remy holding ervin in her arms. the women beside her, he seen the syringe in the puddle of blood walking around her to check the pulse of the women, who was indeed dead....

He turned to her "are you ok remy?". Her eyes look at the body next her and back at him. "Is ervin?..." she asked. Hornet made him let go of her, looking at his pupils that were enlarge "he's Ben drug...". He help him to he's feet as she glanced back at the corpse standing up. she followed them back inside as 2 of ervin men stood at the door and exited. "They will handle the clean up" Hornet whispered. She didn't care tho that bitch got what she deserved trying hurt ervin.

"Is he gonna be ok?" Was all she said as Hornet held him up "Ask again in a few hours". Ervin just look at him then lock his eyes on her, Who was clearly concerned about him... Hornet took them back home.


He set ervin on the couch, he was out cold as remy stared at him standing to hornet.

Hornet glanced at his phone, one of the soldiers sent a photo. It was the women's side, she had the jade rabbit tattoo, she most have Ben one of their whores they sent to finish off ervin since him and his brother got away. Remy walk off to get a wet rag, she returned gently wiping Ervin's chin off, he had throw up as Hornet walked him back to the car. "Atleast some of it is out of his system" she comments.


Erwin regained consciousness still feeling sick at his stomach but more visible aware. he set up holding his head, remy had fell asleep next to him on the couch curled up. He look at her still slightly dazed. "She was very concerned about you" Hornet says walking up to him with a glass of water. Ervin faintly smile taking it from him. "Is she ok?" He asks.

"She killed someone to save you, if that isn't love I don't know what is..." Hornet sighed. "She actually killed that cunt..." ervin asks raising an eyebrow at him. "Well.. when she pushed her away from you, her head hit the edge of the dumpster, causing a skull fracture and she bleed to death. I found you clinging to her like toddler to its mother" he grinned. "Well that wasn't my greatest moment" he faintly smiled. hornet leaned against the wall "She honestly perfect for you, the death of that women didn't even bother her, she was only concerned about you...".

He felt the slight shift of the women next to him and look at her as her brown eyes fluttered open. She seen him staring at her, he's green eyes piercing tho the dimly lighted room. She faintly smiled "you feeling better pretty boy?". "How are you feeling after the events of tonight?" He asks carefully. "Which events?" She asks. "The one were I watch you throw up on the side walk or where I watch Hornet drag you home cause you passed out?". She smiled lightly giggling. He raised an eyebrow amused at her, he was wondering why she was so calm about it.

"Bad things happen to bad people and they only have themselves to blame" she winks holding her index finger up to her lips.

"Hu if I didn't know any better I would say she was a mafia princess" Hornet jokes as she laughed at the comment. "God please don't call me that, my father has called me princess as long as I could remember".

Hornet grinned amused grabbing a cigarette from his top pocket of his jacket and walking toward the door exiting the room as Ervin pulled his phone out of his pocket, he had 5 messages from his brother.

"How long was I out" he asked. "We left the club at 6 but hornet informed him we were home". It was now 12am. He smiled at the 'we were home'. "I'm sorry, ervin" she glanced away from him. "Sorry for what, short stuff" he asked grabbing her chin to look at him. "You let guard down cause you couldn't focus on anything but me" she grinned sticking her tongue at him

"You're way to cocky" he smiled. "I was raised by guns for hire and you were raised by the top of the crime scene, we're the perfect match made in hell" she smiled. He chuckled grabbing her kissing her cheek. He held her in his arms resting his head on her shoulder as she laid back against his chest. 

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