Meeting the campers

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*Reaper Nurse asking twenty questions while Cobalt is visibly annoyed with her* 

"Do you know the Heimlich manuver? It's very important for you counselors to know what you're dealing with."

"Oh my god....we don't have time for this...."

*682 and Dark Star both nod along with muttering they've known it for a while* 

"Can you at least demonstrate it on Cobalt?"

"Wait what!?"

"Just do it."

*Cobalt sighs and starts fake choking*

"Could you at least tell us what Cobalt's fake choking on? It helps our approach"

*682 looks over at Reaper Nurse with a reassuring posture* 

"Listen, you have nothing to worry about. Rosie, Dark Star and I are very well trained professionals."

*Dark Star mutters*

"Unless Cobalt gets shot in the forest being mistaken for a real wolf and in that case, what are you going to do-"

*682 elbows Dark Star and gives her a cold expression*

"Don't listen to her, we made sure that there will be no hunters in sight at Camp Bushwack. In fact, the camp is about throwing each other into the lake and see if they can swim."

*Reaper Nurse face palms* 

"I knew I was forgetting the life jackets!"

*Reaper Nurse skates off in a hurry while Cobalt has his ears tilted and whines a little* 

"....Why is she like this....?"

*682 tries to call out* 

"It was a metaphor! It was a me-*facepalms* Oh my god....don't worry, we'll have a wonderful time there."

*682 and Dark Star allow Cobalt on the bus while his arms were crossed and Hangry was behind him with a bag that's extremely heavy* 

"Hey guys, can you uh....handle this?"

*He hands them their bag that nearly made Dark Star fall backwards*

"Woah! Woah! What did you pack in this thing?!"

"Necessities....a lot of them. You never know when you're gonna need 'em."

*Hangry enters the bus with Echo behind him*

"I saw that coming...."

*She enters the bus while folding her wings back to make room*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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