Requests! (OPEN)

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Hello? Hello hello?

Hello, everybody and welcome to, uh, this.

If you can read, assuming you can because you're doing so now, I'm taking requests for your favorite DCU characters!

Villains, Heroes, Vigilantes, and everyone in between!

I don't do incest, smut, CNC, anything with SA unless it's comfort, graphic descriptions of body parts, gore, character x character, and descriptions on setting.

"Descriptions on setting" being I'm bad at describing setting. If you give me something to go off of then I'll be better, but if you just say "Character in this situation" with no sense of where you want it to be, examples being places that exist in the DCU, then I might not write what you had/have in mind.

So, with that being said, you must always assume you're in a void! :)

Requests will be taken as they come in, and seeing as I'm a person with my own life and everything, please don't assume I'm going to drop everything immediately for a request. I will post on my community tab (that's what I'm calling it) if I can't post within the new few days.

I will be commenting under your requests to let you know I've completed it!

Thank you for reading, if you have, and have fun with your requests!

If I don't know the character well I'll do research, but I'd be grateful if you could leave a sentence or two on how they are, how they act, etc!

Requests go here —————>

—Mal 💪

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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