Chapter 1:

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I look up and I find myself in what I believe to be a hospital room. I see my leg bandaged, bandaged well. I look to my left and I see a nurse 'Who are you, where am I, what is happening?" I say, freaking the hell out. She looks at me calmy and says "Hey, don't freak out, I'm Jadis, and um Were In District 13" I look at her, and slowly lay back down in this uncomfortable bed. A feeling of relief comes into me, but also a terrifying  feeling.

"wha- I uh- I have so many questions." is all I manage to get out. " well we can probably answer them all, now what is your name dear?" the nurse said holding up a clipboard and a pen. "lucy, lucy grey baird " i say as she writes it down. "Alrighty, thanks lucy, if you need me press that button right there" she says as she points to a crimson colored button to my left. She walks out and closes the door

My leg doesn't hurt that bad, so they must have put some numbing stuff on it. I sit up and attempt to get up, off of the bed. When I get up, my legs feel weird, and wobly, so much so that I almost fall, but I manage to stay up and walk out of the room. I find myself in a long hallway filled with chairs. Its gray, sad, and dark. I never thought a hallway could be lonely but this one is very lonely. There are a series of doors each marked with a number, all are closed, except for one. I look into the open door to find a library, a huge library, two stories of walls lined with books. "woah..." I say under my breath 

I walk to the back of the library and see a two chairs. I pick up a book on plants and sit down. I read for about thirty minutes before I hear the door creak open, and someone walk in. The person grabs a book and walks past me before stopping, turning around, and starting to stare at me."didnt your mama ever teach you staring at someone is rude?" I say jokingly as I look up at the man."Im sorry ma'am but are you Lucy Gray Baird by any chance?" the man says. He has dark brown eyes that match his short hair, and appears  to be about six feet tall. "Yes, and who do you happen to be?" I ask, closing book without bothering to place a bookmark in it. "Well Im Coal Farwood, and it's a pleasure to formaly meet you, I was rooting for you in the games." coal says extending his hand out to me to shake. i shake It and he sits down

We talk for about two hours before Jadis finds me and tells me I need to Go have some tests done on me. " Well goodbye coal, Its been fun, I'll see you later I guess" I say. "I'll be in the library tomarrow if you would like to chat again Lucy" he says with a smile on his face. I look at him, smile and say " Id love too"

kk das all for now luvs hope u liked it, Ill prob update this week but idk k byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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