chapter 1 the confront and fight

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" I don't own loud house it belongs to nickelodeon.

It's Friday afternoon.

" Lincoln had been torture for the past weeks from the bad luck incident involving Lincoln and Lynn jr

Friday 3:05pm

Lincoln. This is the last straw.

Lincoln goes the royal woods dump and to find a fire pit.

Lincoln. Those monsters are gonna get whats coming to them.

Lincoln goes back home to confronts his so called family and conference them he is not bad luck .

At the loud house.

Lynn jr. ok you guys are coming to my next baseball game next week are you .

Lori. Yeah.

Lucy. Yeah

Lisa. Yeah.

Leni. totes yeah.

Luna. Yeah.

Luan. Yeah.

Lola. Yeah.

Lana. Yeah.

After talking the test of the sisters are minding their own business until it interrupted by a door opening and slamming so loud.

Lincoln comes in with a angry face and face to lola loud who was watching TV

Lola. Lincoln what in the world are you doing where is your suit are you try to kill us.

Lynn sr. Lincoln where is your suit young man.

Lola. Answer me Lincoln.

Lincoln grabs Lola by the collar in pur red anger.

Lincoln. It's burned happy NOW.

Lynn sr. LINCOLN LOUD THAT is no way to talk to your and why did you throw it away.

Lincoln. Because it brought nothing but pain to me and shut up and listen to me.

Rita. LINCOLN LOUD that's no Way to talk to your father apologize NOW.

Lincoln. Zipp it mom you said you would not throw one of your children out.

Rita. Yeah but .

Lincoln. Zip it.

The loud sister heard the argument went down to see Lincoln without the the suit.

Lori. Lincoln where is your suit

Lincoln. I threw it away into the fire pit.

Lynn jr. Why stincoln why.

Luna. Yeah what if the

She was interrupted by Lincoln words.

Lincoln. That's not gonna happen.

Lincoln. All of you are nothing but stupid family.

This words got into Lynn jr and started to charging towards Lincoln but he punch her in the eye giving her a black.

All the sister join the fight the fight last 20 minute.

After the fight Rita slaps Lincoln and scolded him


Lincoln. You all MONSTERS!

Lincoln ran to his room and locked it

Lynn jr. What are going do

Lori. Sister meeting.

End of chapter 2.

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