chapter 9 mr grouse death

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Lori. that's messed lincoln throw up blood and what ever organs ...wait where did he go?

Lynn sr. He's gone

Meanwhile at mr.grouse house.

Mr.grouse. hey louds shut the noise off

Mr. grouse sees the monster stared at him.

Mr.grouse. nice costume Buddy get lost.

The monster kept starring at mr. Grouse
Mr. Grouse shut his window and courtns

Mr. Grouse. Awww that's the sweet spot

He heard a thump in his kitchen

Mr. Grouse . alright that's it I am calling the cops I am coming in there your in big trouble

Mr Grouse was face to face to a monsterous roar from the monster.

Mr. Grouse. Ahhhhh what are you a demon.

Monster. Guess again your close who is the kid who has white hair.

Mr Grouse. What white hair wait ah lincoln.

Monster. Yes you got it

Mr Grouse. Your lincoln I don't believe you.

Monster said in lincoln original voice. Yes I am.

Mr Grouse. How your taller you were 11 years old what is this are you wearing a costume or something.

Monster. let's say I have changed because of them louds.

Mr Grouse. Louds your family did this to you what are you gonna do to me

Monster. Let's say I will eat you because I will eat anyone who hates me make me suffer more and bully me and you are on my list.

Mr.grouse. wait lincoln we can talk about this don't noooo.

The monster begin to kill Mr.grouse clawing him to death

Mr.grouse ahhhhhhhhhh please no ahhhhhhhhh

Mr.grouse is dead

The monster drag his body begins to eat it and let some of him there and wash himself off.

He went back to the loud house.

End of chapter 6.

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