Zayn's Departure

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Okay, by the title this is gonna be a sad one and deeper than my others so grab some tissues and be prepared. I notice a trend in 1D fanfics that the serious topics like this one are not typically wrote about but I really had this idea and I think I can make it pretty decent. Obviously Zayn was/is missed, as is the rest of the band, but he's also doing well now and we all know he left for very good reasons. Even if it hurt at first (which I was not a fan when that occurred so I have no idea the sadness many people felt.) With that being said, enjoy❤️💛💚💙


Harry's phone vibrated once, before the ringtone filled the quiet room. Luckily it didn't wake anyone but him, seeing as they were given three rooms and management strictly said him and Louis couldn't be together.


Harry mumbled something into the pillow he was smushed into before reaching over to grab his phone. Clearly it was not his alarm, far too early for that, but also who could be calling him this late?

Still slightly smushed into the pillow, he flipped his phone up towards his face, the light much brighter than he was intending.

However none of that mattered as the gradient background popped up as well as the funny picture he had taken of the boy just last week and the oh so familiar name was directly under the circle.


Harry hoisted himself up quickly, not bothering to turn a lamp on, and slid the answer button as his eyebrows pinched together.

"Zayn?" Harry asked, his voice quiet and rough with sleep.

"I can't."


Can't what?

"Hey...Z, what's going on mate?"

The phone was silent for a second, before Zayn's, slightly louder and gravely tone spoke again.

"I can't do this anymore man."


"Zayn..." Harry had to pause to swallow the lump slowly forming in his throat, "buddy your scaring me, what can't you do?"

Harry was more than a little scared for the answer.

"This. The band, the fame, it's too much, I can't---I can't do it anymore."

They both remained silent.

"Okay...what are you saying?" Harry asked, trying to hide the fact he was crashing and understanding that if Zayn is telling him, he seriously trusts him.

"I'm saying..." Zayn pauses to inhale deeply, also trying to stop the tears that he had just managed to stop after a good 20 minutes making this final decision.

"I'm saying that I'm...leaving."

Harry's heart shattered, his brain wordless.

"I've been, uh..." Zayn paused, trying to think of a good way to word it, "dealing...with a lot of things recently and on top of the band...they aren't going to get better."

"Okay..." Harry said, basically just letting Zayn know he's still here.

"So in order to take care of the things I need to...before they get, uh," Zayn cleared his throat, thinking that'd clear the lump, "worse. I---I need to leave."

Harry bit his top lip, staring across the room, tears threatening to poor.

"Okay..." Harry spoke once he could trust him voice.

Harry/Larry fanficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora