How section 31 came to be.

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The ferengi traders, having risen from their beloved muckfields and created an economic system before most civilized systems would journey into space, rejoiced upon news of an amazing new deal that had been struck between three planets of the newly formed federation. It was raining on ferenginar, as it always does, supplying endless muck and tubeworms for their delight. The deal was this, earth, the youngest civilization in the federation, would act as its stewards, maintain a Starfleet for protection, and advance technology as far as they are able. In return they were given replicators for free, and certain materials currently not replicatable, eventually they would invent holodecks where living beings could inhabit artificial realities with lifelike simulations of even humans. The technology had a flaw, holograms could not survive outside the holodeck.As part of this deal a secret Agency, not beholden to the federation or even its Ferengi masters, was constructed to protect the federation from any threat to its integrity. It could wield any power, go anywhere, to accomplish its duty. And its secret strength that enables it to achieve these ends was merely the information given to it by the three founding planets of the federation. What information? Well, it's ordered directive was to defend the secret of replicator technology. Eventually even this knowledge would change and its directive became this: That no hologram may escape the holodeck. Few knew how to accomplish this, but they were found and enlisted into a new breed of Section 31 recruits. The truth is, they knew at that time there were few humans left that survived without replicator technology and so they no longer cared to discover their own identities, that as replicated, teleported humans they had already become holograms there were also quite sufficiently programmed to carry out whatever career in Starfleet they had been chosen for. It was not until Medical Officer Julian Bashir of station Deep Space Nine was intentionally modified in order to overcome his mental deficiencies as a child that any serving officer of Starfleet became self-aware and knew his origin as a hologram. He was of course closely monitored but it was only when his parents accidentally revealed to a member of Starfleet that they had genetically modified their son that Section 31 took a more active role in his life. Even though his parents still did not learn the truth, they were imprisoned to seal the breach. This would not be the last time Section 31 entered Julian's life, for even "they" sought the truth to their own existence still.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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