Chapter 4 - Sleep Over

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Cody and Noah walked back to Noah's house, it was already 10 pm, The reason why they were leaving so late was because Cody took more than an hour to eat his frozen yogurt after getting a brain freeze. The two held hands the whole way to Noah's house. 

"Hey, Noah?"

"Yes, Cody?"

"Do you think your sister's home?"

"Most likely, I can text her to ask if you want."

"Yes Please!"

"Ok, Coco."

🤓𝑵𝒐𝒂𝒉'𝒔 📚𝑷𝑶𝑽☝️

I brought out my phone and texted Sierra to see if she was home yet. She quickly replied with Yes and asked if I was bringing Cody over. I sighed in frustration. 


"Noah, What's wrong?"

"Sierra's home, did you want to stay at your house instead?"

"Not really, I don't want to hear my parents fight again."

"Alright, I'll do my best to make sure she doesn't bother us,"
I said, smiling at Cody

We continued the walk back to my house, Cody also squeezed in some space facts occasionally. 

"Isn't the moon beautiful tonight?"

"Ya! Did you know Venus has no moons?"
Cody asked, showing his big toothy smile. 

"No, I didn't know, Thank you for telling me, Love."

"No problem!"

I did know, but I always love seeing the proud look on Cody's face after he tells me random facts I didn't know. 

After a couple of minutes, we made it to my house, I grabbed the key in my pocket and unlocked the door. 

"Ladies first"

"Oh so funny, Noah"

Cody said punching me in the shoulder lightly. All the lights were off since everybody was asleep, minus Sierra. Cody and I crept up the stairs to my room. I opened the door and turned on the light switch. What I didn't expect was Sierra sitting on my bed, with a Dollar Tree bag full of candy. I groaned in annoyance. 

"Sierra, What are you doing in my room?"

"I was just waiting for my Cody-kins!"
She said giggling, kicking her feet on my bed. 

"Wrong answer, get out."

"Ok... Cody-kins let's go to my room! I'm way better than Noah the grump"
She said, sticking out her tongue. 

Ugh, She's so childish, It's seriously annoying. 


Cody didn't want to go but was scared to say yes, he's too nice even to horrible people.

"He doesn't want to go."

"Yes, he does! My hubby always wants to be with me! He just feels bad my brother is such a loser."

"Sierra, I don't want to go with you."


"I said I don't want to go with you"

"Fine... I know it's only because you feel bad though Cody-Wody!" 

Sierra got off my bed but left the bag of candy. Looks like I'm taking care of a kid with too much sugar tonight. I closed my door before sitting on my bed. 

Cody said, pulling out the candy. 

"Coco, don't eat too much."

"I won't!"
He said, with a mouth full of cotton candy.

I'm surprised my boyfriend hasn't gotten diabetes yet, but I'm glad he doesn't. Cody put his head on my lap as I played with his hair. Nothing was better than this. 

"Hey, Noah?"

"Yes, Cody?"

"How long can I stay?"

"However long you want, my parents love you, and Sierra... unfortunately."

Cody yelled, lifting his head from my lap.

"Shhhh, you might wake up my parents, or my siblings."


"But, yes really, I don't mind at all."

"Thank You, Noah!"
He said with his cute grin. 

"No Problem, Hun"

I kissed his forehead before he laid his head back in my lap.

We stayed like this until Cody fell asleep. It was now midnight and I couldn't sleep. One of my siblings came knocking on my door. 

"Come in"
I said just enough so that they could hear me. 

It was one of the two twins, Olivia. 

"What did you need?"

"I see your boyfriend is staying over, but did you want anything from the gas station?"

"Um, Just a pack of mint gum"

"That's it? Alright."

"Thanks, Olivia."

"No problem little bro."

"Ew, Did you have to call me that?" 

She said, walking out the door. But, Someone else walked in. 

"Noah? What are you still doing awake?"
My mom asked. 

"I just can't sleep, I guess."

'You're lucky you don't have school today, but did you want some sleeping medicine?"

I said. 

"Alright, I'll go get it."

My mom left my room, closing the door. 

I sighed grabbing the book on my desk, I had finished heart stopper this morning, besides the 5th book, I haven't been able to find it. I started a new book, It was "Opened my eyes". Probably one of my favorite books I've read in a while. I started to read but was interrupted by Sierra. 

"What do you need now?"
I asked, now annoyed that everyone kept coming to my room. My mom was behind Sierra but waited for her to move. 

"I'm just gonna grab my husband!"
Sierra said giggling, grabbing Cody.

Cody opened his eyes and rubbed them. 

"What's going on?"
He asked yawning 

"Sierra put that poor boy down."

Sierra was confused about why her mom was there but didn't want to put Cody down. 

"But mom!"

"No buts, go back to your room."

"Fine.... I'll be back for you my hubby wubby!!"

"Please don't be back"

"Sorry about my daughter Cody, she just has a little crush on you!"

"Talk about a little..."
I said rolling my eyes.

"Anyways here's the medicine Noah, and you guys should go back to sleep it's already going to be 1 am soon."

"Thank you, mom, and we will."

"No problem Noah, good night you two!"
She said closing the door.

"So... Noah.."

"Yes, Love?"

"How long do you want us to hide our relationship?"

"As long as we can."


"Why do you ask?"
I said, grabbing Cody's chin. 
Cody sighed, before opening up his mouth to speak.


I sighed at what Cody said, I know Cody's been wanting to make our relationship public ever since we started dating and has only been keeping it a secret for me. There's no reason I should be scared to make it public with him. I know all my family (not including Sierra), friends, and even my job would support me but, I'm more scared of what Cody's side of his family would think.  I know Cody's parents are homophobic, and go to church. I think I'm just scared at the thought his parents would do something to him, but do I want to tell him that?
"Noah, why don't you want to tell him?"
Because even though Cody's parents are awful to him, even forgetting his birthday, He loves them. 

"I'm sorry Love, I'm just not ready to"

"Are you embarrassed about going out with me..?"
He asked, with tears in his eyes. 

I said, wiping the tears from his face.

"Then why not?"

"Fine, we can, but let's tell close friends and stuff first."

He said screaming. 

"Well, We're going to be caught."
I said with a sigh.


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