Chapter 2:

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Previously on A Song of Storm and Hammer

The turn towards him "yes and I have a feeling about you too" said the Giant as he then look to his surroundings "Let me guess I'm in Winterfell and you two are Starks descendants of my sons depending of how long I've been gone" he said

The Starks nod their head in confirmation Santa step forward "Yes great ancestor and you've been gone for 8000 years " said Santa

There was a silence as the atmosphere grows dropped

"It appears I will have to know recent events" he said as he took his helmet off showing his raven black hair and stormy blue eyes and could swear there is sparkling on it and could mistakenly to be Robert on his prime

Sansa noted of his blue eyes compared to hers and could tell that her eyes closely resemble to him more than to her Tully Mother

"Children tell me everything I need to know and I will help you from whatever troubles to my descendants" said Ronan "oh where are my manners I'm Ronan Belleza Celestant Prime of the Stormcast Eternals champion of Order" he said with a bow

The two siblings could tell especially Jon now knows that they have better chance now to survive now that their ancestor and god have returned something that Westeros never seen



Few months later

Not soon after Ronan have arrive he was suddenly shrunk down to 8 ft tall before he become a stormcast even then he is still stronger than average human and still have some blessing of the gods when he was still in the world in Mallus before the End times which some brought disappointment to Jon and Sansa because they are the only who at least confirm that he is their Ancestor and welcome him as such

After that on the Next Day they arrange a meeting with him with the other lords and before that have talk to him about the recent event that which both of them look scared when he stared at them more like pass them with dark looks that which remind them of their father when he looks coldly except even immense icier that their father could never able to compete

When he finally met with them some look at him with skiptism but those who are very observant they could tell something in him that is not a mortal

Ronan of course easily prove them of his origins as well as showing some magic to them and most of all how the thunder roared when he heard about the deaths of the Children of the forest after he read them and both Sansa and Jon curse the idiot who speak that


Flash back

"Say that again one more time?" Said Ronan in a slow and dark tone that which sent shivers to their spine

"T-- that the Children of the forest were massacred| by the Andals" said one of the northern lord

"And i'm aware of that, i've read it just recently" Said Ronan with a snort "Honestly i don't understand why my descendants din't try to help and shelter them, me and My son made a pact with them in exchange they will help the north through magical means and co-operation between our two faction and considering i ask this to your king and princess they have no answer even the history book have no answer" he said

Ronan approach the Vale lords specifically Lord Royce who gulp despite being a strong and veteran commander could not help but feel small at his presence "And if i was there in those times, The Andals would be push back to Essos regardless of whatever your gods would say" Said Ronan as he stood straight

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