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In this world there was lots of mystery, that's beyond the human knowledge. This mystery also one them which frozen somewhere.

Who was the creater? Did god make this? Or if the human's themselves was the course of this?

How knows??

Everything was perfect the scientist team was searching in the Siberia frozen plateaus.

In the search of something new or u can say something old. History told as  not make the same mistake twice. But will do about the history that was Frozen, no one knows about that history.

Until they find it and make same mistake...........

That's called the human nature-

It's been 2 years since scientists was searching in the Siberia they doesn't find anything special in those 2 years of time

But one day they find something extraordinary "senior come here" one scientists that was looking at microscope called his senior "what happened" senior answer it

"I find something , come and look at this" senior come towards the scientist"what's it"

"Look this "

The senior scientist look though the microscope his eyes can't believe what he was seeing

"This is the new discovery in the world of science!" He smile weirdly "i can't believe this thing survive in this frozen plateaus "

Is this discovery, while change the world
Those scientists doesn't know what the future holds..............                      Because there imagination going to become real..............

After 1 week of search scientists find out something, the thing they discovered last week was a virus that was Frozen to death.

But the most shocking thing wasn't this, this virus was to deathly so scientists stop this search.

But the a small group of scientists still searching on this, they think this virus was golden ticket to be successful


After 1 month the search on Siberia was stop , scientists spending their last day every one busy on packing

But one scientists accidentally pack the sample of the 'deathly virus '

In south korea, xx, oct,20xx

Everything is fine, people enjoy themselves, couple are on date Just like normal South korea.


"Joye will be happy to see after 2 years" a man with black said while talking on phone "u right i also can't wait to see you again Kim so-jo"

The smile he can't wait to see his family after a long time he was carrying a box which contains his notes some camical and also that virus.

'joye i can't wait to see you again my daughter '


Peace out;))

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