第3章 蜜月

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Emily quit her job quickly and decided not to renew the apartment she had rented before. She packed her luggage in Mark's house and made her mind to move with Mark.

After living together, Mark and Emily's life was no different than that of a couple in love. Except when Mark had to go to work, Emily was a little lonely. But the previous experiences of living alone made it easier for her. Sometimes cleaning up the big house and getting dinner ready for Mark to come home was a good pastime.

When Mark came home, in addition to the necessary meal and washing time, the two people almost never separated from each other. They would roll on the bed, the sofa, and in the bathroom passionately.

Mark was sitting at the desk, watching the computer before the evening ended. Emily was going to take a shower first. As she went into the bathroom and was ready to close the door, Mark suddenly appeared behind her.

"What? Do you want to use the bathroom first?" Emily asked with a slightly bemused expression. Mark didn't answer but just closed the bathroom door behind him.

"No, I just wanted to take a shower. My beautiful lady, would you like to bath with me?" Mark said with a grin. Although they've already been very close in these days, Emily was still terribly shy about it. But she did not refuse.

Mark read her thoughts from her expression even without waiting for Emily's response. He took Emily's clean clothes and set them aside, then stretched out his hands to unbutton her shirt. It was not difficult to take her shirt off, but Mark's movements were slow. Anyone can see he did it on purpose.

His hand kept moving on Emily's chest, and touched her skin, making her itchy. She hesitated and finally could not help saying,"Enough ... Mark...... " The itching was almost more than she could stand. As she spoke, her legs felt weak, and she accidentally hit the sprinkler switch. They were all wet now.

The two people could not help but laugh together to see each other like that. And then, they were staring at each other's moist lips spontaneously. Not knowing who took the initiative, two lips will be tightly stuck together. They sucked with each other, and parted. And they were snogging again.

Emily threw her arms around Mark's waist, allowing herself to stand still. Mark was no longer made the slow movments like snails before. He quickly took off Emily's clothes, but did not have enought time to take off his own clothes. So he just let the wet clothes tightly wrapped himself, and then continued to kiss Emily.

His kiss moved from Emily's lips to her neck, carefully tasting her smell. The water from the shower mixed with sweat, making them crazy.

Mark and Emily finally finished the bath, hugging each other breathlessly and lying on the big bed. As Mark stroked Emily's back, he smiled and said, "Honey, I've been so busy with work lately that I leave you alone at home these days. I'm sorry."

Emily put a hand on Mark's lips, looked at him, and said with her strong love,"Oh, don't say such nonsense! You're working hard for me, and for our family."

Mark took Emily's hand on his face, and he rubbed it carefully. "I know you're very considerate, but I also know I owe you a lot."

He paused, watching Emily's expression, and then went on, "Although we have to put off our wedding, we can put the honeymoon on the agenda first. I've arranged all the things for the company and have a few days off."

Emily felt so surprised that she hugged Mark tightly. She buried her head in Mark's neck, and then she smiled with a wide grin, "Oh, my God! Why God gave me such a good husband, I really can't wait! Dear, I love you!" Mark nodded and then, like taking care of a baby, patted her back and smiled as well.

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