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Next Day
After taking the picture for his Ninja Profile, Naruto followed Hiruzen to his office for a brief conversation. Hiruzen, intrigued by Naruto's sudden improvement, inquired about the change.

"Naruto, I must say, your performance during the graduation test was quite impressive. What's the secret behind your sudden improvement?" Hiruzen

"I've been training hard old man. I'm determined to become stronger and prove myself as a worthy shinobi of the village." Naruto

Before they could continue their conversation, the tranquility of the office was interrupted by the abrupt entrance of a young boy wielding a wooden kunai. The boy, with a determined expression on his face, declared his intention to kill Hiruzen and become the next Hokage. However, his bold declaration was cut short as he tripped over his own scarf, landing face-first on the ground.

"You why did you trip me." The boy said pointing at Naruto

Naruto points out the obvious saying the boy should get a shorter scarf.

Enraged by Naruto's comment, the boy demanded respect, citing his status as the grandson of the Hokage.

"Like the rest, he isn't going to do anything." The boy thought

Unfazed by the boy's threats, Naruto delivered a swift smack to the head.

"Respect is earned, not given." Naruto

Naruto tells the boy even if the Hokage is his grandma, he still wouldn't respect him.

The boy, astounded by Naruto's defiance, found himself at a loss for words. Meanwhile, Ebisu, the boy's teacher, reprimanded Naruto for his actions, launching into a rant about proper behavior.

As Naruto left the office, the boy followed after him, much to Ebisu's dismay. Realizing that his student and Naruto were gone, Ebisu muttered to himself about the troublemakers like Naruto. Determined to keep his student out of trouble, Ebisu hurried after them, hoping to prevent any further disruptions.

As Naruto and Konohamaru trained at the field, Konohamaru shared his desire to be recognized as himself, rather than as the young lord. He expressed his aspiration to become the Hokage in order to achieve that recognition. Naruto listened attentively and then shared his wisdom with the young ninja.

"Konohamaru, becoming the Hokage is a journey that requires hard work and dedication. There are no shortcuts to achieving such a prestigious title. You must rise through the ranks and earn the respect of the village before you can even think about becoming Hokage." Naruto

Naruto then decided to teach Konohamaru a jutsu, the Sexy Jutsu, as a way to beat Hiruzen.

As Konohamaru practiced the Sexy Jutsu, they were interrupted by a jonin, Ebisu, who disapproved of Konohamaru associating with Naruto.

"Young lord, what are you doing with him? You should stay away from him." Ebisu

"No, Ebisu-sensei. Naruto taught me a cool jutsu that can help me defeat my grandfather. Look at this Sexy Jutsu!" Konohamaru said as he transformed

'Young lord, stop this! What disgusting jutsu are you using? You don't need that boy. I can teach you the shortcut to becoming Hokage." Ebisu

"No, big bro Naruto told me there's no shortcut to becoming Hokage." Konohamaru

Before Ebisu could continue persuading Konohamaru, Naruto intervened, showcasing another jutsu, the Harem Technique.

"Well, kid, you've got a lot to learn. Now look at this Sexy Jutsu Harem Technique!" Naruto

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