1 || Iltwykm

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Jisung was now on the plane at six in the morning, going back to Korea after spending 4 months in England. He was there for work.

To be more exact he was forced into it.

Jisung's father wanted him to become the next Ceo of the company, but if he knew that his son doesn't give a single fuck about it.

Jisung's father had been on Jisung nerve. Forced him to stay up till late, forced him to attend tones of meetings every single day. Forced him to stay in his office for hours and hours without getting out or even eating.

Now that Jisung was back to Korea he would be free for sometimes. Yeah sometimes, cause Jisung's dad wanted him to start working in the Company in Seoul, Jisung had exactly a month before he starts working.

Even if he disliked this he couldn't do anything about it, he has no power over his dad.

Jisung wanted to be a music producer, it was his dream since he was young. He composed music in his free time, wrote lyrics, he raps and sing really well.

He was in a small music group with his two friends. It's been months since Jisung wrote something.

So the next month he's gonna spend his time writing and focusing on music only.


Lixie pixie <3
~JI baby tell me when
your plane land so I could
pick you up with binnie:")

Hey pixie
Sure I'll tell you<3
But don't forget don't tell anything
To Minho, want to surprise him><

Lixie pixie <3
Aw lover boy ;)
Don't worry I won't open my mouth
But take rest on the plane
So you can have enough energy
When you see your Minho

Ugh shut up lix
I'll be off for now
See you in a few hours.


Jisung shut his phone putting it away and taking of his computer from his bag, putting his headphone and starting watching his favorite anime 'Yuri on ice' he could wait to see his friends and especially can't wait to see his Minho.

Oh God he was not ready for this 12 hours of flight.

A few hours later Jisung was dead asleep, he hadn't even finished the anime and fell asleep, only to be waken up by a baby who was crying out loud.

"Gosh can this be any more annoying." Jisung mumbled under his breath, looking outside from the window, he could see the sunset. Only few more hours and he'll land.

Those few hours Han spent them by listening and writing music.

Landing in Seoul he could see that baby who was crying. Laughing happy.

Oh how he wanted to throw the baby for ruining his sleeping

Lixie I arrived.

Walking toward the gate, his bag in his hands he heard a scream.

"HAN JISUNG OVER HERE." Jisung couldn't even look around when he was crashed by two arms making them both to fall on the ground.

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