Chapter 2: Sport match

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Dear Diary,

Yesterday was unlike any other day. I found myself transformed into Ladybug, a superheroine. Adjusting to this new identity has been challenging. I worry if I'm suited for this role, especially after repeatedly bumping my head with my yo-yo - trust me, it's painful. Unlike my partner Chat Noir, who relishes the idea of battling villains, I question whether this path is right for me. Tikki speaks of destiny and being chosen, but what if I don't want to be a superhero?

I believe the police could handle the tasks I'm entrusted with. I never sought out these magical earrings, nor do I want to deceive my loved ones to protect my identity as Ladybug. Doubts plague me, especially considering I'm only fifteen. I fear disappointing Tikki, who places unwavering faith in me. If things worsen, I'll confide in her.

Yesterday, I encountered Félix, a new classmate. His talents and intellect captivate me, despite his reserved demeanor. He exudes an air of sadness, hinting at a lack of companionship. I'm sure he doesn't have a lot of friends, so I would like to befriend him. And perhaps, I wouldn't mind exploring a deeper connection with him. I would do anything just to make him smile.

"Marinette, you're going to be late!" Tikki reminds her urgently.

"Oh, I completely lost track of time!" She hurries down the stairs. Marinette is dressed in a red off-shoulder top with a white blouse over it, paired with an orange shirt, black leggings, and light pink ballet flats with reddish-brown soles.

"Hey, Jing, Théo, and Brielle!" Marinette pauses to wave at them as she passes by the bakery entrance.

"Salut!" They respond cheerfully, busy with their bakery tasks.

Brielle glances at her watch. "Darling, you're going to be late again. Haven't you learned to manage your time?"

"What? No!" Marinette flails her hand dismissively. "Um, well, yes, I struggle with it," she admits with a sigh.

"It's just Marinette being Marinette..." Brielle chuckles, handing her a croissant in a paper bag. "Here you go."

"Thank you!" Marinette accepts the croissant with a warm smile.

"I'm the one who made it!" Théo proudly announces after Marinette leaves.

"Au revoir!" Marinette waves excitedly as she exits, then dons her helmet and takes a few bites of her croissant as she rides to lyceum, while Tikki peers out from her handbag, observing the streets.

"I don't know what the future holds, but I'm ready for it. With my wonderful family and supportive friends, I can face any challenge that comes my way. Although I can't share my secret with them, I know they'll be there to lift my spirits when I need it. As Tikki said, I just need to believe in myself and be more responsible. I'll give it my best shot." Marinette resolves quietly in her mind, while pedaling a bicycle.

Meanwhile, in Sphinx's mansion:

"You're not going to school today," the father declared, his voice firm as he stood before Félix.

"But father, it's only my second day at the public lyceum!" Félix retorted, his annoyance palpable.

"Everything will proceed as I've instructed," the father replied firmly, his expression unwavering.

"Sometimes I wonder if you truly love me or if it's all just pretense," Félix said, his brow furrowed as he turned away from his father, his frustration evident.

"One day, you will understand," the father replied cryptically, his tone tinged with a hint of sorrow.

"I'm not a helpless child you always have to protect," Félix declared before retreating to his room, his steps heavy with emotion. He glanced at his father again, who stood stoically on the balcony, a silent observer to their strained relationship. Outside, the facade was adorned with a metal mesh that ran along the walls, resembling veins, adding to the mansion's imposing atmosphere.

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