A/N: A Final Farewell

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Hey Jewels, I really hope that you all have enjoyed this book I have written, but it's safe to say that this book has sadly come to an end.

It will be discontinued because I won't be publishing anymore episodes, however, it turned out the way I wanted it to. if you are a huge fan of We Can Be Heroes, I am too. especially heroics.

There will only be 7 episodes in the book and no more. all of the characters I added are to remain in the series, I will not come back to this one.

For the ending of episode 7, I want it to have a farewell ending, something emotional for just A Capella and Kaleb. it does sadden me that this will be over but it's for the better end.

I feel like there should be more to A Capella and Kaleb's story but there won't be anytime soon. I don't plan on doing anything special.

Thank you all so much for your support and patience of my We Can Be Heroes series book, I added the sequel in here because it was easier than writing a second book. you all deserve it.

Just to let you know, there will be one last episode before this book is discontinued, that specific episode will be the official release.

I can't stand to leave this in the dust but it's time to end this and keep moving forward, if I feel up to it, I might just do a book about only Kaleb and A Capella, so their journey can continue on.

Here are all of the characters:
A Capella Vox
Kaiden Kennedy
Vivienne Kennedy
Maxine Hendrix
Mrs. Vox

Once again, thank you all so much for your patience with me throughout this process of my new book, I appreciate you all.

With Much Love,

Signing Off,

Mia. 💞

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