I'm still alive?

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Adams POV.

"No, you don't get to end this." I backed out, climbing out of that crater and using my last energy to keep myself up, "I'm fucking adam!" I blurted at the sinners in front of me, "I'm the fucking man and your just some clown or something, I started every thing on earth!" I exclaimed running out of breathe while I tried to stay up "ALL OF MAN KIND CAME FROM THESE FUCKING NUTS!" I screamed at them pointing at my nuts, continuing to yell.

"YOU ALL SHOULD BE WORSHIPING ME?!" I announced angerliy "YOU UNGRATEFUL, Disgusting, fucking LOSER...." then I felt something Pierce my back straight into my heart.. . "Ughhh. .", You got something sticking outta ya thing there. ." Lucifer said boredly as I fell to the ground revealing person who stabbed me.

"NIFTY?!" I heard Lucifers brat gasp as the nifty girl started to stab me over and over in the back chanting stab. My vision was fading but I heard lute yell in the background next thing I know she turned me over and was yelling sir at me everything was blurry, but I heard her scream my name as clear as day. I used whatever strength I have left and place my hand on her cheek giving her a smile smile of graduated for never leaving my side even in my final moments. Then my hand falls as everything goes black

"Hhhuuhuuh!" I gasp awake feeling my body from top to bottom to make sure it's really me, "w-wha happen? WHERE'S LUTE?!" I thought to myself looking around in a panic. . . I'm not in heaven, I'm not. . . Where am I? Everywhere I look there's golden bars, where am I right now? I get up and venture this cage I've ended up in, there's an old bed, a wooden desk with a journal on it, an old wooden chair that looks like it'll break in soon time, and a rug on the ground in the shape of an apple.

I then hear a bell ; an elevator bell, the sound of heels clicking soon follows the sound gets closer and closer, I try to see what's making the sound but all I see is a black figure getting closer. I aim my fingers at the figure ready to lunch a light beam at it but when I try nothing happens "w-wha going on why can't I use my powers?!" I think to myself ask the sound stops. I fear I retreat under the old bed I'm surprised I can fit under it at all but I can't worry about that right now something is coming for me. . . I hide as far as I can under the bed hoping whatever it is just leaves.

One step
No more. . .

"I don't know who or what you are i-i'm not scared!" I stammered out trembling from fear, "just GO AWAY!" I pleaded to whatever was here. . .

Lucifer's pov

"wow he's really a pussy huh?" I thought to myself watching Adam from above seeing him shake get his timbers shivered. "I might as well reveal myself" I determined, before falling onto the bars yelling BOO!

Adam fell to the ground right on his ass at the same time letting out the most high pitched girly scream. It was so funny I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "hahaha you really are a scaredy cat!" I mocked.

By this time Adam has realized it's me "YOU! why am I here Lucifer!?" Adam barked at me demanding answers.

still calming down, I answer "I saved you isn't that enough?"

Adam got angier as he started to get aggresive and louder "YOU MOTHERFUCKER WHY AM I IN A CAGE, WHY CAN'T I USE MY POWERS!?" he roared out glaring daggers at me.

"first of all lower your voice." I hissed darkly, "you should have realized the situation by now . . . " I mutter as I watch his eyes widen finally grasping the situation. I saw him start to shake and quiver in his boots, "there thats the scared little boy I remember . . ." i said condescendingly laying my gaze on Adams trembling figure.

"you know you really did gain weight after Eden. but i never did mind you still looked as cute as back then." I admitted closing in on Adam, I could see him backing up till his back hit the golden bars behind him.

"G-GO Awa-" Adam tried to yell before I grabbed his neck tightening my grip around it which shut him up completely, "I don't remember giving you permission to speak. it seems you need to be taught a lesson for such behavior" I said, coldly throwing him to the other side of the cage. he landed with a loud grunt as he slid down to the floor.

I walked up to him lifting his chin "remember everything I do is your fault. . ." I exclaim before letting his chin drop and I lift him by his hair raising my fist and punching him in the gut I heard a loud gasp but it didn't faze me as I started to beat him till he begged me to stop.

by the time I finished, he was laying on the group in pain, coughing up blood and curling up into a ball sobbing like a child .A beautiful sight seeing the brusises I inflected on him affect him like this I felt quite satisfied with my work, so I left him there a sobbing mess, "I'll heal him later" I thought to myself walking into the elevator taking one last look at him before going up

"oh Adam I'll take great care of you my little sheep" I snicked to myself thinking about all the things I'm going to do it him.




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