New Bremen 2

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New Bremen


Micah Risch 'Rischy'

Subway station Northern Industry District.

After the attacks on the Covenant Canons the platoon had sustained casualties; 2 wounded and 7 dead. The sections were restructured while the platoon was awaiting new orders.

The specialized squad was now back to full strength.

Sanders, Olafson, Josef, Abadie and the SAW operator from the third squad whose name I learned is Jonah Wilmms. Were still there along with Vicky our medic and Bobby our Rocketlauncher.

While we were waiting for new orders all but Abadie who was with the Lieutenant, Vicky and I were asleep. Meaning Vicky and I were relatively alone.

"So?" I began "Worth it? As glorious as you'd imagined?" I asked her

"Canon fodder needs medics." she said with a shrug.

"You'll regret joining up if you aren't already. Rest of your life is only death and misery. They won't let anyone leave the service during this war and we all know how it will end. This is your life now."

Once I finished my rant I took off my helmet, which was against multiple regulations, and lit a cigarette, which was also against regulations, I had in a crumbled pack in one of my many pouches.

"You still smoke that shit?" She asked in disbelief

"I stopped but after J7 I started again."

"Why?" "Whole platoon KIA."

"You could've written more often."

"When you're on combat deployment, military messages are given priority. So I didn't even try."

The lieutenant had apparently decided to go for a walk inspecting his unit, or something like. When he stopped before me. His visor was not polarized revealing his scornful expression and his youthful face not yet scarred by war. "Corporal just what the fuck do you think you're doing?" He began his tirade "Smoking a cigarette for improved combat performance, sir." I sarcastically replied maybe not the brightest idea if the person getting on your nerves can destroy your life.

"You have taken off your helmet which is against 5 different regulations in a combat environment. Then you lit a cigarette that was either contraband or looted. Which is also against regulations. I could get you court martialed."

I took another huff before I took to doing another dumb thing

"The UNSC won't disregard any military personnel for such minor reasons while we're in a war. Especially ODSTs, you do know how much just our training alone costs, sir?"

"When this battle is over you'll get consequences, Risch."

"Yes sir."

The Lieutenant walked away continuing his inspection or whatever.

"See just unnecessary trouble these things bring you." She said with a smile

I merely shook my head

Not long thereafter Abadie returned

"Rischy, new mission." he said while sitting down next to us. He took off his helmet and lit a cigarette as well as "watch for the kid with the bars." I told him in reference to the Lieutenant.

"What's he gonna do about it?

"Court martial for undermining his command and unit discipline."

"So? They won't shoot a Hellumper, we're too expensive."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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