Wake Up (A Frostee Benson Story) 2. Evening Thoughts

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Layla's POV

Layla's Apartment in Los Angeles, CA (9:30pm)

Layla relaxed a little when she arrived home knowing Frostee was safe and was with Cisco since he found him. She just couldn't understand why Frostee just up and left like that. Even though he's 15 he could've at least told the team he was walking home. But before he left, when Frostee was in the kitchen with her and Echo, she saw Frostee having a really saddened expression. Which in a way concerned Layla almost instantly. She's gonna have to ask him about it tomorrow at the garage anyways.

By the time she arrived at her apartment she was greeted with a warm smell of freshly baked cookies which confused her. There's no one else who would have entered her apartment except for her. She immediately has her guard up and crept around in her apartment waiting to jumpscare the person who invaded her home. She hid behind the kitchen walls only to notice a black hooded figure. Her eyes narrowed at the hooded figure. They were cooking something on her stove and were humming along to music playing on their loud headphones. Those were definitely not hers.

She prepared for an attack and immediately stood up with her jackknife blade and instantly aimed it at the hooded figure's neck, immediately making them flinch. They jumped and spilled the cooking oil all over the floor.

"Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my apartment you jackass?" Layla questioned.

"Heh. What an interesting way to say hello, kinda rude don't you think?" said the black hooded figure. The person's voice sounded really familiar to her. They had the same accent as hers

"Just answer my damn question."

"Can't you let a brother cook his meal in peace Layla?"

Layla instantly knew who the voice was and was in shock.

"I...." She was speechless. It has been way too long since she last saw him, since she left.

Since she ran away from home 6 years ago.

She would've hugged him if she wasn't trying to kill him right now. She instantly lowered her blade and backed away quickly.

"This can't be real," she stated. She was shocked by it all. The black-hooded figure only chuckled at her before lifting his hood up and revealing his face.

"Figured I'd surprise you baby sister."

"How'd you even find me?"

"I pulled a few strings and a few people helped me out. It's been a while, Lay."

"I....I didn't mean to..." Layla barely whispered that last part. She's conflicted about this reunion with her brother. She thought about what to say to him:

"Bryan, why are you here?"

Cisco's POV

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA (10:00pm)

"Adriana." Frostee finally spoke after a few seconds.

"Adriana dé Santos."

Cisco's eyes widened when he realized what Frostee meant.

"Wait, hold on. Why do I feel like I've heard of that name before?"

Cisco felt Frostee staring at him as if wanting for him to explain more. But before Cisco could tell him more he heard another person call Frostee's name.

"Frostee?" Both Cisco and Frostee both turned their heads to face a woman who looked to be in her late 20s with a full on scrub outfit with a stethoscope, white long sleeve under, black sneakers, her brunette hair tied up in a loose bun and with piercing blue eyes. She looked at Frostee in slight shock before shaking her head and recomposing herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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