Chapter 15: Professor

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Can anyone tell a way to kill your loved one? Your husband? Your only world?

If you do, please suggest it to Taehyung.

This was all he was thinking when he saw the condition of Jungkook's room. Broken whiskey bottles, smoked cigarettes, blood and some liquor was covering the marble floor of the room.

When Jungkook had brought him here, he seemed reluctant to take the younger to the room, so Taehyung had to take the matter into his own hands.

Taehyung looked back to see Jungkook standing silently with his head down.

"You were on drugs?" Taehyung whispered but Jungkook did not answer.

"TELL ME JEON JUNGKOOK!! WERE YOU ON DRUGS?", Taehyung yelled as loud as he could.

But Jungkook was just looking down and it irritated him, very much.

Taehyung dashed towards him and held his collars, shouted.


When he again did not answer, Taehyung left him and soon a harsh slap landed on Jungkook's right cheek, turning it away.

"Why?", Taehyung whispered.

"Because I love you."

Jungkook's whisper created a storm in Taehyung's mind. He stared at him, bewildered.

"You call this love? It's a FUCKING OBSESSION."

Jungkook had his head hung down, when he again whispered," As you think."

Taehyung shook his head crazily and held his hair in his first.

"I-I need time-"

"How much more, Angel."

"I don't know."

"I'll give you as much as you want just please come back to me at the end."

"If you want this to happen then stop killing yourself. I'll return to you once I see the difference. Stop taking these drugs and become a good person. Then, we can maybe work out."

After that, Jungkook had just seen him going out from the gate. But this time, he did not stop him.

"Kim Taehyung, pay attention to the class please."

The professor shouted, making Taehyung flinch.

"Yesterday was my last day in college, as you know. But today, you are going to get a new professor", he continued.

"Please welcome, your new professor", the man came in... Jeon Jungkook.

Taehyung stared at the buff man in front of him, whom he had seen nearly a week ago. Clad in white formal shirt with black thin stripes and a black pant, his eyes roamed around the class, all confident and attentive.

"He'll be teaching you business from now. I may take a leave. Professor Kim handle your class."

Saying this, the old man who had just retired went out of view leaving a silent class.

Taehyung stared at the people in confusion. It was never too quiet. Then he saw them staring at him as if he was a meal.

This created a sudden wave of possession in Taehyung's mind. His anger grew and he glared at the class like a small child.

"Good Morning professor.", a girl said, standing up from her seat.

Taehyung rolled his eyes internally.


"Hmm", Jungkook said, and turned to the class," Good morning students", he said in his deep and husky voice,"As you know, I am your professor who is gonna teach you business from now. My name is Kim Hyunjae. You can call me Professor Kim."

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