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Issac scanned his surrounding and spotted a small mall-like plaza neighboring a building by name of 'Itera labs' had a strange fume like substance spilling from the bottom of the door,it was repulsive smelling but he assured himself that things like this where normal and brushed it off.Wandering the crowded streets felt surreal,both a soul noticed they were in the presence of royalty, it felt empowering.After his laps around the local park,Issac decided to revisit the mall-like plaza he glanced at before.Stepping foot into a small shop he didn't bother looking at the name for,while looking around at the shelves full of taxidermy and magic orbs he noticed a small crystal that looked to be a jasper,similar to the emerald he had embedded in his neck, attached to a small key with a price sticker lazily placed on.The key was no larger then 7 centimeters long and had a pentacle like structure attached instead of the key head. "hey kid" an unfamiliar voice spoke,"I'll give it to you for free if you come and -your majesty i am so sorry!" "highness" Issac replied "what?""Majesty refers to a king which i am not" "you've already called the cops haven't you?" the shopkeep looked at him in disbelief as she spoke "yup!"Issac responded with a smile on his lips."fuck" "fuck indeed my friend,fuck indeed".Isaac wandered the store in hopes to recruit someone to cover for him in front of the officers so they don't call his parents for leaving the castle.Issac found himself in front of the store,noting the approaching sirens,A loud crash to left of him followed by sirens and shouting "Fuck yes!""wooo" a voice screamed, jumping out the newly broken window of 'Itera labs' Issac stared in awe"hey,don't tell anyone 'bout this ok?" the juvenile said in a strong British accent.For an eleven year old boy Issac was quite resourceful and this seemed like the best it would get for now "only if you help me out""fuck- fine,what could you want?" they taller boy asked."Ok so, you see those cops? I called them on a shopkeeper who happened to be a wanted criminal for-I don't even know what! so I'm basically begging you to cover for me so my parents don't know in not at the castle" "holy shit you're the prince" "yup,so make good or I'm snitching hard" "ok fine""I'm Lucifer by the way""like I care"Lucifer rolled his eyes and stepped closer to the store as Issac hid in the shop's employee break room.Lucifer led the cops inside the store to show them the shop keep "is this them?" an officer urged "yes sir" Lucifer responded with a false worried tone.The officers began asking questions to define the story further,Issac was nervously listening through the door as the crowd, who formed once sirens sounded,dispersed and chaos calmed.Once all details where shared about this counterfeit alibi for why he was in scrubs,Lucifer a opened the door to the employee break room and waited for Isaac to answer.Stepping out of the break room a question lingered" hey,what where you doing in that lab?" Lucifer looked pale"that's not your problem"Lucifer hissed.Issac looked concerned and furrowed his eyebrows with a frown."l-lets keep in contact you can have my number" Lucifer somewhat smiled and handed Issac his phone.Once numbers were exchanged,Issac started towards the castle.Sitting on the cold bed,Issac sprawled out and stared at the ceiling recalling the day before him, as the sun rises.


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