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The obnoxious ringing of the answering machine out in the living room was enough to wake you up from your slumber - God knows it woke up half of Florida too.

With a grown you turned over, trying to ignore the deafening ringing, hands clamped over your ears, pillow over your head, or just trying to brute force it.
Not a thing you did was able to mute the sound enough to fall back asleep.
Reluctantly you stood up, feet hitting the carpet of the small apartment - it felt damp from the humidity. Or maybe you just accidentally left the window open again, No. With a glance to the side it was closed, remaining droplets of water sliding down the foggy window.
The carpet squished uncomfortably under your feet as you moved. Even when you stepped on the tile it felt damp, like someone just mopped. Despite the tile feeling damp it was still disgustingly warm. Just like the receiver when you put your hand on it, holding it up to your ear to listen over the message that was left behind.

There was nothing but static on the other end that shot needles right into your head for the first seconds before a voice finally broke through, loud enough to make you wince and tug the receiver away from your ear for a moment.

"Hi this is 'Tim' at the bakery, The Cookies that you ordered should be delivered by now.." The message started, there was a small break in the voice, like something else was said but it wasn't picked up in the message "...A list of ingredients ars included! Make sure you read them carefully."


The latex was cold against Jackets cut up fingers, his busted knuckles burnt like the everclear he had earlier that night. He was used to the messages he got on his receiver, but this was new, the cardboard was wet from being carried in through the rain, dampening the piece of paper that once lay on top of the mask, smudging the ink. Luckily it was still readable.

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American is a tune. It must be sung together.
-50 Blessings


You'd tried to go back to bed. The bakery pickup couldve waited but you were already up - you just couldn't fall back asleep.
So, you started the day early.
Hell you didn't even really think twice about the bakery message - Occasionally you'd get gifts like this from friends or your family back home.

Raindrops pattered against the fabric of your umbrella, slipping off the rippled edges and landing on the asphalt sidewalk below before cascading either down the drains or into sidewalk flower beds.

The sun was barely up, casting warm orange glows over the nearby sand of beaches and the old brick of townhouses and shops.

Miami, one of the several cities that seems to never sleep.
Even though it was so early the streets were full of cars, people ready to start their morning shifts or others starting to head home after late nights spent drinking themselves stupid till they didn't even know what song they were dancing to, you'd seen it many times at your job as a bartender.

So many faces they were hard to keep track of, pulling out dollar bills like it was nothing to spend a months rent on cheap vodka and sour liquor.

Miamis streets were relatively straight forward, like any city it was easy to get lost in however. Luckily you knew your way around Miami relatively well from your time staying here, allowing you to get back and forth from most places semi-easily.
Turning the next corner of the slippery sidewalk you were met with a familiar sight, a small little shop on the corner, it's pinkish paint was chipping off showing off the old brick underneath, a dingy, flickering light hung above the glass doors - the glass, frosted and foggy from the rain making it nearly impossible to see inside.
The parking lot was relatively small, even then it was rather empty. Infact there were only two cars there, one of which being a silver Delorean, one of the ones with those winged doors, some of the paint was scratched off near the back bumper. However otherwise it seemed to be in good shape - loved by the owner clearly.

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