A round P2

55 2 9

(Rayner POV- technically it's third person I'm trying something new this time :D)

Rayner couldn't think properly with that horrid beeping noise. He was trying to finish a generator but every time he felt like he was making progress Yan's stupid machine would make another loud BEEP and he would mess up again.

It didn't help that the thick mist drifting in from the opening of the balcony clung to his skin, making the knight feel hot and clammy. His heavy armor was especially unhelpful when doing a tedious task like fixing a generator. The bulk of it got in his way as he was crouched down, fumbling with tiny wires in his big hands.

A small ray of moonlight shone in to the old, decaying house, barely lighting up the room enough to work. A heavy shield belonging to the knight stood in the other doorway, hoping to, if not prevent, then at least delay an attack. Rayner squinted as he carefully worked his way through the confusing mess of wires, trying to get the maddening futuristic machine to start up. Just as he had picked out two wires he thought might at least make a spark, that enraging beeping noise started again, causing the knight to flinch and burn his hand as the two wires shocked him, making a huge BOOM. He quickly dropped them in surprise, waving his hand in the air to cool down the burn.

Yan, who was sitting across from the brown-haired man glanced up from the generator as she heard the noise. "Try to focus more," she said snarkily. "People probably hear that on the other side of the woods."

"Perhaps I would not be so distracted if that insufferable beeping sound was not present," Rayner spat back in retaliation.

"It's a 'Detection Machine' and that 'insufferable beeping sound' could save your life. Unless you prefer dying painfully, I'm not going to turn it off."

The muscular knight grunted, and Yan took that to mean he was done talking.


For a while, the only thing that broke the dense silence was the beeping of the young heiress's invention. But as time passed the beeps got louder and faster until they were impossible to ignore.

"How is one supposed to focus if all I can hear are those ear ringing beeps?" Rayner said, gritting his teeth in irritation.

"They are louder aren't..." Yan started to say, her sentence trailing off into her own thoughts. She snapped back to the world with a new sense of urgency, "Get up, we need to go he's right here!"

Rayner, putting two and two together, realized what the louder beeping must mean and tried to frantically scramble to his feet. But, before either of them had a chance to run, they heard the heavy pound of footsteps on the rickety pathway outside the door and red light flooded their vision. His intimidating figure loomed over the shield. In the split second the two survivors had between death Rayner threw himself at the shield. The knight's armor clanged loudly as he slammed his body against the shield, shoving it and the man behind it back into the railing of the pathway. The old wood creaked precariously as the tall, dark-haired man was pressed up against it, momentarily startled by the collision.

The Idol grunted in anger, trying to overthrow the knight's strength but the walnut-haired man fought back, pushing the shield with all his might.

"Where is Dae?" The tall man snarled shoving the shield harder, a deranged look plastered across his smiling, blood splattered face, green eyes glinting menacingly. "I know you know; YOU CAN'T KEEP HIM FROM ME!"

Rayner was fighting with all of his strength to keep the shield pressed up against Ye-jun Im as he yelled back, "He's not here and he doesn't want you anyways, nobody would ever want you!"

The knight knew he didn't have much time before the idol overpowered him. Heart pounding, he shoved back the shield as hard as he could, and Ye-jun Im howled with rage. Whether at his comment or Rayner's escape he didn't know.

As he turned around into the room the tawny-haired knight saw that Yan was still in the corner, paralyzed with fear. He shouted at the young heiress in desperation "What are you doing!? RUN!" and jumped over the vault, running for the exit.

Despite the knight's urgent need to run, what every muscle in his body was telling him to do, he couldn't help looking back. What was happening to Yan? Lingering on the balcony, not cowardly enough to run but not brave enough to go back in there, Rayner peered through the window. The thick mist fogged up the glass, but he could still clearly see the distinct outline of Yan, her sleek, dark hair curved around her face like it was putting her terrified expression on a stage. He could see the dark figure that was Ye-jun Im slinking towards her as the heiress was pressed into a corner.

The knight thought about running in there to save her. There was still time. Not much but he could help, he could be heroic... And then what, what would he do, die as well!

In the end, his feet stayed planted there, on the withering old floorboards of the balcony, as the idol drew in closer. The knight didn't move as Ye-jun raised up his blood hammer to strike, he didn't flee, he watched as it was brought down on the girl. Her head was smashed into the wall and her body went limp. The stunned knight could see the hot scarlet blood slowly start to drip down the musty walls, staining them with the unwelcome color.

He finally worked up the courage to pull himself away from the scene and ran. He didn't know where he was going, just away from there, he wasn't going to die, not yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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