The Festival

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I was siting on the bathroom counter and Missy's finishing up my makeup while we sing along to the music coming out of the speaker.
When we finish Missy's brother Jai drops us to the festival, giving us the 18 plus wristbands he was able to get us. "Thanks JaiJai!" I say while putting my wristband on taking Missy's hand as we walk away from the car. "This is going to be so fun, Eve" Missy says to me as we make our way over to get some drinks. We have a few drinks getting tipsy so we go dance to the music.

After a while of dancing we decide to text our friends to go meet up. After walking over near one of the gates we find Harper and Amerie and run over to go hug them. We all continue to go back to near the stage and dance and sing. "Wanna get some more drinks?" I suggest as my throat is dry from singing and screaming along to the songs. They all agree and we start to walk over to the bar. On our way we bump into Spencer White or more commonly known as Spider.

"Want a drink?" Spider asks with his stacked cans on top of each other.
"yeah, thanks" Evelyn thanks him sending him a small smile taking it from his hand.
"they're probably drugged" Harper states
"Eve, Mis there's a fortune teller we have to go, come on" Amerie says pulling the girls along with her to the place she saw leaving Spider and Harper.
Spider watches as Evelyn runs off with Missy and Amerie to get some shitty fortune told.
He smiles watching her go and have fun with her friends. "Omg, can you make it any more obvious?" Harper says breaking his trance
"what?" he replies confused
"your crush on Evelyn" Harper retorts
"what are you taking about" he spits back
"she's too good for you" Harper says and walks away to meet back up with her friends.
Spider hides his disappointment from her last remark and goes back to the festival.

Amerie and Evelyn come out of the fortune teller telling each other about what their future will be. A couple minutes later Missy and Harper come out and they head back to the festival. An hour later they all head to the bathrooms but get split up. Evelyn walks around trying to find at least one of her friends. She turns on her phone but it's dead so she goes over to a bench and sits on it waiting hoping one of her friends walks past. She sits there for who knows how long until she hears her name.
"Evie?" Spider asks making his way over to her "what's wrong?"
"idk where Missy is or Harper and Amerie. We got separated and my phones dead" Evelyn replies softly wiping her tears,
"hey, hey, hey, it's okay. I'll help you find them" Spider says while helping her up, "thank you".
They walk around the festival together hand in hand making sure they don't get split up while looking for her friends.

They have a few more drinks and they are both drunk off their heads and Spider has his arms around her waist while they're singing to the music he then pushes her up against a pole. She could feel the cold metal of the pole on her skin, making her shiver a bit. "Spence, what are you doing?" she asks quietly while he stares into her eyes "do you want to know something" he asks "okay" she replies interested in what he's going to say "i like you" he says quietly scared she'd push him away and yell at him. He let go of his grip on her after she didn't reply and was backing up when she pulled him in and kissed him. His hands went back to her waist pulling her into him and pushing her up against the pole. They stay like that for a bit until the festival was over. They walked out of the festival hand in hand talking about anything and everything. His eyes stay on her the whole time and he notices everything about her like how her eyes lit up when she told him about the romance the fortune teller had told her earlier that day.

The next day she woke up next to Spencer White with no memory of what happened so while he was still asleep she snuck out and went home straight to sleep. Leaving a Spider in his bed alone.

~Authors note~
*outfit at top*
also thanks for choosing to read this story.

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