005 - "You really don't know do you?"

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Amelie POV

We're all stood in line at the bar, it seems be going slow. We've all ready been here half an hour and still haven't moved.

Why did I have to pick a mini dress on one of the coldest nights of the year?

Also, why did I insist on one of the most exclusive bars in this city?

If they don't let us in I think I may riot.

I'm in mid conversation with Kingsley about his new project when something, rather someone, catches my eye in the distance.

That's surely not Lando.

Jesus he scrubs up nice when he's not in a hoodie and jogging bottoms.

He spies me and waves awkwardly, making his way over. "Hello birthday girl!"

I grin at him, "hello Mr Burgler!" And gesture for him to stand in line with us.

"You know you really need to think of a new nickname for me, your friends will get the wrong impression!" He chuckles, "it's freezing out here!"

"Tell me about it, I hope they let us in." I groan dramatically, wrapping my arms around my torso for warmth.

"You're the one who insisted on the place!" My brother growls, unimpressed by how long we've been waiting already.

"Come on, I'll get us in." He mumbles, heading toward the front of the queue, Kingsley, Reine, Theo and I in tow.

The bouncer takes one look at him and lets us all inside, no questions asked.

"How did you..?" I question in confusion as we're escorted to the VIP section.

"Don't worry about it!" He chuckles, disappearing off to the bar.

Reine glances at me giving me her signature smirk, "you really don't know do you?" She giggles.

"Know what?!" I blurt out, getting annoyed that I'm being left out of the loop.

"Reine leave it, she'll work it out at some point!" Theo grins, "might take her a year or so but she'll get there!"

I'm left even more confused by my brothers comment, what are they on about?!

Lando returns a short time later with a round of drinks and a bottle of the expensive champagne.

Where does that man get his money?

We all drink and chat for a while. I'm glad Lando is here.

Mainly because it gives Theo someone to talk to but also because I like hanging out with him, he seems cool.

He keeps giving Kingsley funny looks though, I wonder if he recognises him?

Kingsley, Reine and I disappear off into the dance floor, leaving my brother alone with my new friend.

They aren't nearly drunk enough to want to bust some shapes out.

Around an hour later, and with enough alcohol I'm feeling like making bold choices I make my way over to my brother.

"So, are you going to tell me what that was all about earlier?" I ask, my words coming out harsher than I intended to.

"Sorry what?" Lando replies looking aghast.

"No not you, him." I scold, pointing to Theo. "My brother and my best friend are definitely keeping a secret from me and I want to know what it is!"

"It's really not important Mills..." Theo chuckles, taking a sip of his beer.

"Are you sleeping with her? Is that what it is?" I scoff, becoming more annoyed by the second.

"What?! No!" Theo defends, throwing his arms up in the air.

"I'm really confused right now..." Lando mutters under his breath, clearly feeling awkward about being in the middle of this conversation.

"That makes two of us. I'll get it out of you eventually Theo. Mark my words!" I warn before turning on my heels and making my way back to the dance floor.

My Best Friend's Neighbour - A Lando Norris StoryWhere stories live. Discover now