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"She will be loved."

THE JEDI TEMPLE WAS CALM; AS IT ALWAYS HAD BEEN. Filled with Jedi who were training, mediating and wandering the echoey halls. The constant hum of the bright glow of lightsabers was soothing, the weapon of a protector bursting with energy and light. From the Jedi younglings learning how to handle such a prestigious weapon, to Jedi Masters, wielding their lightsabers with the utmost care and pride. There was always movement and energy in the Jedi temple. Yet, it always felt calm and blissful. The Jedi were always contempt with themselves. They knew their purpose. It was a strange feeling, such a large building full of so many people, yet everything was calm.

If the Jedi temple projected calmness, Aurora Deleste was definitely putting a stain on the bliss as she hurriedly ran through the halls, clutching her carefully crafted lightsaber hilt in her hands. She was late. Again. It was becoming an unfortunate habit of hers. Master Windu certainly never let her forget it. Aurora imagined he was waiting expectantly for her, profusely apologising to Master Kenobi and his padawan, who she was supposed to be meeting for the first time. Masters Windu and Kenobi had set it up. Aurora and Anakin Skywalker, who was Master Kenobi’s padawan, were the same age and at about the same skill level with their lightsabers. Therefore, it seemed natural that they start to train and spar together, if only to improve the skills of the both of them. It was easier to develop your skills with another novice rather than constantly going up against a seasoned master, such as Master Windu.

Plus, socialising with peers was healthy for development. Even for a Jedi.

Aurora thought about her new sparring partner. Anakin Skywalker. Infamous among the people of The Temple and the people outside The Temple alike. The Chosen One. The boy who had helped defeat the Trade Federation and their invasion of the peaceful planet Naboo. The former slave who had the strongest connection to the force that Aurora had ever heard of. He had come to the Temple when Aurora was nine, when she had already completed seven years of training. Despite this, Grandmaster Yoda had let him into training late. It was an unheard of, remarkable feat. In the five years since he was found by the Jedi, Anakin had caught up to Aurora’s skill level, perhaps had even begun advancing beyond it.

Master Windu seemed confident that Anakin could help Aurora with her nervous energy. He always felt as if Aurora was holding herself back, always fearing her own skill and power, never reaching her full potential. Aurora supposed that Master Windu wanted her to rise to the challenge, against Anakin, hone in her skills with continuous sessions and getting out of that Jedi Archive. Master Windu was always talking about bringing out Aurora’s true self, underneath the shell she had created. The arrangement was beneficial to the both of them, Master Kenobi had said when Aurora had briefly met him a week before. He was a kind man, though Aurora picked up on the steady tone of exasperation that came whenever he mentioned Anakin.

It was clear the both of them could use a challenge; not just with their lightsabers skills but with their personalities — Aurora needed someone who could draw out her confidence in her own skill, and Anakin needed someone he could train with who could ground him. Make the both of them better, more well rounded Jedi They were the perfect fit, she guessed.

At least that’s what she told herself as she carefully made her way through the large gaping doors of the training room. Her presence was known as soon as the door closed, creating a loud echo that boomed across the room. Aurora closed her eyes in embarrassment. Quickly, she scuttled towards Master Windu, who was moving forward to meet her halfway. “You’re late.”

Aurora smiled innocently at her Master,  scrunching up her nose as she attempted to explain herself. “I know, I’m sorry. I got distracted in the archives.”

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