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(This is just lil cutesy fluffshot bcuz i dont have the first 'series' chapter so this is jus lil filler)

Tommy was streaming, screaming at everyone and anyone like normally. Except, now it was at Dream, who said that Tommy doesnt get ladies. 

"What do you mean i dont get any girls? I am a ladies man, i get lots of ladies. I have many wives, im a wife haver" said Tommy. Dream replied with sarcastic tone: "I dont see any girls, I would need a proof".

"Fuck you, Dream. I get many bitches unlike you."

"Ill believe it when i see it" replied Dream. After a lot of bickering about who gets and who doesnt get bitches, Tommy ended his stream. 

"Tommy?" "Yea?" "Do you seriously think i would believe that you have any bitches?" Dream wheezed out. "WTH DREAM I HAVE MANY BITCHES. YK WHAT, ILL SHOW YOU PROOF" said Tommy.

Tommy muted, and shouted: "GIRLFRIENDS? CAN WE PROVE TO DREAM THAT IM NOT SINGLE?" and after waiting for a few seconds, feminine voice replied "Yea? Sure, i dont see a problem. Its only Dream, plus no one is streaming, right?"

"No, no one is streaming. So is that a yes?" Said Tommy. "Its a yes" Said another feminine voice. "Yay" Replied Tommy. 

After a few seconds, three figures came into Tommys room. One sat next to Tommy on a chair, another sat on the other side of Tommy and the last one sat on Tommys lap.

"So how do we do that? Do we just say hi and you say something or?" Said the last one. "Well, ill just say something, you just sit and look pretty. Ill handle it." Replied Tommy.

So Tommy unmuted and unpluged his headphones. "Dream? You still here?". Dream replied: "Yea im here, so what? You have proof?" 

"Yea i actually have proof. Wait, are you streaming?" Asked Tommy. "No, im not?" Replied Dream in a questioning voice.

"Ok, ill just turn my camera on." said Tommy, and then turned his camera on. There was an audible gasp onthe other side of the call. "Tommy, dont tell me those are all your girlfriends?" "They are" replied Tommy in the most smug tone. "I WA- HOW? How do you have not one, not two but THREE girlfriends?" 

"Like i said, I am a ladies man. All the ladies want to date me. Oh! This is Hannah," said Tommy while pointing to one of the girls, "this is Delilah" he said while pointing to another one, "and this is Chloe." said Tommy while putting his head on Chloes head.

"Oh wow" replied Dream. "Wait, girls, can we reveal you to the rest of the smp?" asked Tommy his girlfriends. "Uhmmm, sure?" said Delilah while looking at the other two.

"Ok, Dream, message the smp server and tell them to join vc3, then join there too. after everyone joins, tell them that i have an announcment, dont say anything else. You can brag that you know and drop some lil hints, so they can guess but dont make them too obvious. Also, after everyone joins and you say that, message me and ill join. Understood?" Explained Tommy.

"Ok, on it" replied Dream, and then left the vc. 

"Are you nervous?" Asked Tommy his girlfriends. "A little bit" "Yea" "Not really" They replied. 

After a few minutes of chit chatting, Tommy got a message from Dream. "Ladies, relax, they will like you. And if not, ill take care of them."

After another few minutes of nervous talking, Tommy joined vc3. Everyone quieted down after they heard the ping that signaled that someone joined.

"Heyyyy" Greeted Tommy in a nervous tone. There were some greetings from everyone and after that, Tommy asked: "Are any of you streaming?" everyone replied with various of no's. 

"Ok so.. please turn your cameras on." Everyone was confused, but complied. "Oof ok... so.. lemme just-" Tommy turned his camera on while saying that. 

Everyone was shocked, there was complete silence. "These are my girlfriends" Said tommy in a nervous tone. 

There was still silence and then Sapnap spoke: "Wait a minute...DELILAH????????????" Tommy sat there confused, while said Delilah looked at the screen with eyes wide. 

(Ik that sapnap is uncomfy with his name being used so ill try to not use it, but this is for context so i need it there.. pls dont use it in comments)

"Nick?" Asked Delilah. Now it was Tommys turn to ask question. "SAPNAP, how do you know my girlfriend?"  Sapnap replied with: "Tommy, shes my sister.." 

Everyone was once again silent. Delilah broke the silence, "Nicky, please dont tell mom that im in a relationship, yk how she is about that..." Sapnap replied without hesitation: "Dont worry, i wont"

Then Tommy remembered: "OHOh, this is Delilah like you alredy know, this is Chloe, and thats Hannah" he said while pointing at each one. 

Everyone got to know each other, Delilah told everyone Sapnaps embarrassing stories, which Sapnap told them some of Delilahs in return. Everyone were nice and everything was perfect.

I hope this was good LOL, if you think i should change something or write something other way or anything wrong, pls correct me :)))) if you liked it, please vote :)

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