44. Neverland Mansion

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Hopes POV 🥀

This place was amazing, like AMAZING. When I came in the gates there were flowers and messages from fans, and several camera crews.

I covered my face with my hand as I used the keys I was given, and got through the gate, then hurried to the mansion door. The gardens were huge, and Michael later showed me around them.

Three black men who had facial similarities to Michael were walking through as well, a bit ahead of me.
They were chatting, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I followed behind them, feeling the fans and cameras watching me as I hurried after the three men towards the door, joining them as they knocked.

There was no reply for a couple of minutes, so the tallest man knocked again. "Janet is just getting her hat..." they continued on into conversation as I waited behind them.

Then the youngest noticed me and spun round. "Hello?"

"Hi, I'm Hope Emerson - I'm one of Michael Jackson's community carers, I'll be visiting him everyday to help anyway I can, from Sunday through till Thursday."

"Oh okay." They turned back to the door as Michael opened it, looking as gorgeous as ever.

After Michael's brothers had hugged him and Janet had joined us, he gave me a tour of Neverland Ranch while the other 4 tagged behind, there was an outside pool with a diving board, and loads of rooms, including an indoor cinema.

It was the most amazing place I'd ever seen, and Michael showed me his snake and his chimp, Muscles and Bubbles. They'd been looked after by Michael's family while he was away.

I liked snakes, I had my own once, Alison. But I was a bit nervous around chimpanzees, but Bubbles was very sweet. He ate candy from my hand, I was a bit surprised when Michael told me that - but Bubbles seemed to love it.

When Michael's family had left, we headed to his bedroom. It was beautiful, with a chandelier and a king size bed.

I looked around in awe, it was like a hotel - the most expensive one I'd ever been in. He sat down on the bed and looked at me with those big brown eyes, and I found myself sitting beside him, taking his hand in mine.

I rubbed his hand gently with my thumb, and he raised his eyes to look at mine, smiling gently. Then he lifted his hand and touched my cheek, tracing the curve of my ear, and my whole body tingled.

"We shouldn't be doing this." I giggled, but I couldn't say no.

I reached my hand up and tucked a curl behind his ear, so soft and silky - I'd done that same action so many times but it felt amazing each and every time.

We leaned in, and although I knew I shouldn't, our lips touched gently, him smelling of roses and violets and tasting of vanilla and polo mints.

"This isn't very professional of me..." I murmured, rubbing my nose against his.

Michael leant in, and whispered into my ear, "I won't tell."

His hand slithered down my neck and shoulder, and I gasped as he grasped my breast, and I leant my forehead against his shoulder as his hands went under my top.

"We're out now, Hope. We can do what we like." He stuck out his tongue and brushed it against my bottom lip, and I couldn't help but let a quiet moan escape.

Then he pulled back and looked at me. "You are okay with this, right?"

"Of course." I reassured him, "I love you, Michael."

Then I froze. I'd let out the L word. What if he thought I was too pushy? I awkwardly looked up at him, my heart beating fast - and he smiled at me, with a smile that could cure anything.

"I love you too, Miss Emerson."

I tapped his nose, and he leant against me , so I wrapped my arm around his thin shoulders and held him, rocking him back and forth like a baby.

He closed his eyes and for a moment I thought he'd gone to sleep, but then he opened them and looked around the room. "I didn't want to leave you, when they first told me I was being discharged."

He said it in an embarrassed way, as if ashamed to admit it.
"Well now you're stuck with me 5 days of the week." I teased, stroking his lips.

He poked out his tongue and licked my finger, and I shrieked and then wiped my finger on his face, giggling.

I'd put on makeup today, but some of it was now smeared on Michael's face, making me laugh.
He started tickling me and I scrambled away, then tickled him back.

He was rolling on the bed laughing, trying to kick me off him - and I climbed on top of him and sat astride him and tickled him harder and he shrieked "Don't! I'm gonna pee! I'm gonna pee!"

He laid back on the bed in a fit of giggles for the next 20 minutes, and I smiled at him - pleased to see him happy again.

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