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The car was silent as Derek pulled up in front of the house. The tension surrounding them was so thick that Derek could almost feel it crushing down on his chest. Charlie hadn't even glanced in his direction since leaving the school, and Eli had been too busy sulking in the back. As for Derek, his body was still vibrating with the anger coursing through him. No amount of deep breaths or clenching and unclenching his fists were able to extinguish his rage. He'd be facing the consequences of his actions for his outburst very soon, but right now, he just couldn't bring himself to care. He'd made his point. Perhaps not in the way he should have, but he'd made it nonetheless.

Charlie kept quiet as she opened the door, climbed out of the car, and slammed it behind her. Derek watched as she walked around the car, up the porch steps, and finally, into the house. Once again, the door slammed behind her. He sighed a heavy sigh, running a hand down his face and dropping his head back against the headrest.

"Dad?" Eli's voice was calmer this time. Softer.



"For what?"

There was a beat of silence before Eli spoke again. "Sticking up for me."

Derek sighed again and closed his eyes. He felt a number of emotions catapult at his chest. Rage at Brittle and his son. Frustration at Mrs Rivers and the teaching staff at the school. Guilt for losing his control in front of Eli. Protectiveness over his family. And concern for the aftermath of his outburst. He didn't need Eli to point out his embarrassing behaviour. He already knew he'd gone too far. He knew it the moment Charlie's voice turned from concern to firm and demanding. Eli wasn't the only one in trouble tonight.

"That's my job, Eli." Derek sighed.

"Is Mom mad at me?" Eli asked cautiously.

"No, son." Derek shook his head. "She's mad at me."

"Why? You were protecting your family."

"I was. But what you just saw was a prime example of what not to do in that situation." Derek said.

"Is that why we're sitting out here instead of going in the house?"

"I'm sitting out here because nothing good will come from me going in there right now. I've known your mom long enough to know that what she needs right now is space from me." Derek sighed. "The question is, why are you sitting out here?"

More silence followed. Derek finally tore his gaze from the house and glanced over his shoulder at his son. Eli's chin was tipped towards his chest, his eyes cast down at his lap where his hands fumbled nervously.

"She's disappointed in me." Eli mumbled. "I saw her tonight. The more teachers we saw, the more upset she became. I know she tried to hide it, but I could tell."


"How what?" Eli looked up at his father.

"How can you tell?"

"For starters, she won't let me speak." Eli scoffed. "And she won't even look at me. I went too far, and now my own mother hates me."

"Seems we both went too far tonight." Derek shook his head. "And she might hate me right now, but she doesn't hate you. She couldn't hate you if she tried."

"Feels like she does." Eli shrugged.

"Well, sitting out here isn't going to change anything." Derek said, turning to face the windshield again.

"You sure she's ready for us to go inside?"

"Oh, not even close. So I suggest you give her space tonight."

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