The Perfume Incident

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*cue birds singing for the rise of the sun*


Kaitlyn shot up out of bed.

It was 6am, and Nora wasn't in their shared bed. Cinnamon had already run off to investigate and was barking up at the trapdoor to upstairs.

"Hey boy..." Kaitlyn scratched behind his ears.

She nervously looked up as she climbed the ladder. As she opened the trapdoor, she saw Nora standing over the sink in the kitchen with the water running. She was coughing heavily.

"You ok, sunshine?"

Through the coughing, Nora answered: "PERFUME"




The coughing continued as Kaitlyn patted Nora's back.

"You're not gonna throw up, right?"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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