Chapter 14 - A rescue child dies

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Amanda carried the silverware back over to where Denise and Prez were sitting. Denise accepted the silverware and immediately took out the spoon and mixed some cream and sugar into her cup of coffee. She picked it up and took a sip and then closed her eyes.

"I can't even remember when we've had so much to eat and it's been ages since I've had coffee. Thank you." Denise said.

"Emily Harris from the state called me about you. She was very worried after she received a call from your neighbor and even more so when she said she went out to see you. Was your husband home that day when she went to your house?" Prez asked.

"Yes, he was standing behind us around the corner and had a hold of Marty. He was not happy about her coming to the house, as you can see. We have just moved here a few months ago. He said he had a job offer in Nicholasville with a company called Devlin Construction but ever since we got here, he's been trying to call them but no one answers the number he was given. Clyde has never been what you would call "good" to us and he watched us like a hawk.

In case you haven't noticed Marty is slow thinking. She's 7 years old but mentally she doesn't seem to have progressed past 4. She was supposed to start school last year and she went for a week but then the teacher contacted us saying she needed to be in special education classes. Clyde got so mad.

He started calling her stupid and worthless and was slapping her and pushing her around but I managed to get between him and her and got us into her bedroom and I locked and blocked the door.

He said he wouldn't have his name dragged through mud because she was too stupid to go to regular school and he wasn't going to pay for special classes for her.

I used to work at Walmart but I had to quit my job because I was afraid to leave her alone with him and we had already been struggling to pay a babysitter until she came old enough to go to school. I can't prove it for sure, but I think Clyde had shaken her when she was a baby and sometimes she wakes up crying out that he's a bad man and begs him to stop hurting her. When he's around, she hangs on me like a little monkey and she's totally terrified of him."

"Why did you stay with him?" Amanda couldn't help but ask.

"Because I have nowhere else to go and no way to make it without him because believe me, I don't love him. He was a blind date and he drugged me and then raped me but I got pregnant. When my parents found out, my dad slapped me hard, kicked me out of the house and told me to never darken his doorstep again, calling me a whore and worthless.

When Clyde found out, he said he would not have his child born a bastard and made me go to the courthouse and we got married. He was not happy when she turned out to be a girl instead of a boy.

I had hoped he would let me go then but he refused. Saying I couldn't make it without him and if he was going to have to pay child support for her, he was going to be part of her life. We've moved around so much I've lost count of how many rat trap places we've lived in.

When he started hitting me after we moved here, I made up my mind to try and get away from him, hopefully one day while he was at work. But he wasn't able to get in touch with that company and he barely let us out of his sight.

A couple of weeks ago, he started hitting Marty for crying because she was hungry and there wasn't anything to eat. I got between them and he started punching me so I grabbed her and managed to lock us in her room. He was pounding on her door and I knew that flimsy door wasn't going to keep him out, so I put her out the window and then managed to get through it without getting hurt. The window in her room is kind of high off the ground.

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