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Shivaay loosened his tie and unbuttoned his top buttons. He sighed in relief as the cool air came in contact with his heated skin. He walked over the poolside, thinking of dipping his legs into the cool water.

His eyes brightened slightly to see Om standing near the pool immersed in his painting.

"Om." Shivaay greeted.

"Shivaay." Om turned to him with a smile before going back to his painting. Shivaay smiled, Om's expression made him feel slightly welcomed.

"You aren't in your studio." Shivaay observed.

"Stating the obvious, Shivaay. Are you alright?" Om asked as he dipped the brush in the cyan and tapped it against the canvas with utmost care. Shivaay admired the painting. His brother was gifted with a sense of art. He heard Om's statement and smiled to himself, he just wanted a topic to talk to him. Even if he ends up making himself look like a fool, at least his brother's smile would be worth it.

He doesn't remember when they talked the last time. And it hurts him even more. Because he and Om were inseparable during childhood.

But it wasn't so now. They both have changed. Their worlds were wide apart. And so were their ideologies. But in the end they still were brothers.

Om didn't like his way of doing things. He has made himself very clear in the matter. But what Shivaay couldn't explain to him was that the things that were the way it is was because of his very attitude.

He admired Om's morals. But it was the real world. Things didn't work like that anymore. To function fully you will have to learn the rules of the society even the unspoken ones; whether they be fair or not, whether you implement them in your life or not. It doesn't matter. But you must learn the way the world functions or you will be crushed underneath.

Shivaay knows he has taken some cruel decisions but what Om doesn't understand is that if he was in his position he would have to do the same. He has made decisions that weren't up to his liking but as a businessman and the head of his company he had to.

But it's easier said than done.

"Needed a change of environment." Om said after a beat.

Shivaay nodded. He shuffled on his feet slightly thinking of a topic that will be common to them. But he couldn't find any.

"You didn't come to my exhibition." Om said. Shivaay winced, Tej had given him a task that was to be done urgently. Om doesn't know, he wondered whether he should tell the real reason or the excuse he has made in his mind? Om and Tej weren't reconciled but the bad blood between them has decreased considerably. He didn't want to mess up again.

"I was busy in a-"

"-meeting?" Om asked as he looked at him with a smile.

"At least use better excuses for your absence." Om said nonchalantly.


Shivaay sighed. He hadn't meant to miss his exhibition. He thought he would be able to finish the work on the given time and attend but it didn't happen so.

"It's okay, Shivaay. Don't beat yourself up." Om chastised looking up from his painting.

"Did you have dinner?" Shivaay asked. Om swirled the brush in water to clean it. He looked up. "No." He answered briefly.

"Oh okay, then let's-" Om shook his head. He picked up the canvas from its stand and placed it against the brick of the pool to let it dry. He organised his brushes and paints, Shivaay was observing everything silently.

"-You have it. I will listen to some music and then." Shivaay nodded masking his disappointment with a smile.

He sighed as Om left him alone. His eyes falling on the painting that was left to dry. He kneeled next to it. A boy was reaching out to the moon. The background was dull but detailed. The buildings faded into the background as the boy stared up at the moon.

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