toms sick? (fluff)

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During D.A.D.A. class(defense against dark arts.) Y/n sat next to tom riddle her boyfriend.

He was sometimes arrogant, but today something was off.. he didnt look quite good and he keot coughing, she even saw him almost fall asleep on the desk.

"Tom are yo-" she was about to ask if he was okay but he cuts her off "I'm fine, dont borther" tom muttered. He wasnt well yet he kept the attitude that he was

"You sure you're fine?" Yn asked worried about him

"I said I'm fine.."

Tom replied, his voice more harsh and raspy. There was a slight hint of annoyance in his voice, but it wasnt much. "Its just a cold,just a cold nothing more I'll be fine." He said, his words were muffled by a cough.
"Cant a man be sick and still be considered fine?" He said, rolling his eyes.

"No, he cant... babe you don't look so good.." she said now really worried about him

It is just a cold, don't treat me as if I'm a child." Tom replied, his voice was still slightly scratchy, his eyes narrowing, looking towards you.

"I don't look bad. I'm just ill is all." He said, looking away. "And I'll recover fine in no time." He said grumbling

"I'm not treating you as a child, also you look pretty bad look, just put your head down" she said annoyed

Tom's eyebrows furrowed, as her words got more to him then he wanted it too. He looked towards the professor briefly before looking back at yn, his eyes narrowing again. His voice was harsh and raspy. "Putting my head down won't change anything." He muttered. He scoffed. "You're treating me as if I'm a weak man, and I'll be fine without your worrying."

"Yes it will,and being sick isn't weak" yn replied

"It makes me look weak." He said, a bit of a croak in this wolice now.

He looked towards her in a way that showed the still didn't appreciate her babying him. Still being stubborn. "It's like you're my mother and I'm an infant, it's quite embarrassing" he said rolling his eyes

"No it doesn't, wth no it doesn't seem that way cant a girlfriend take care of her man also now?" She said scoffing

"I can take care of myself without your interference! I don't need someone to 'take care of me." He argued, becoming a bit more aggravated, his voice was now very raspy and his breath was a bit strained. He tried his best to mask the sickness with anger, but failed slightly. "Besides, a simple cold won't kill me." He said annoyed

"Why do you always get so angry??" She said folding her arms

"Can you blame me?" He asked, his voice was still raspy but had calmed slightly. However, his words had become more stern. "I didn't ask to get sick, I didn't want to get sick, but look where I am, I am sick, and now I'm being constantly harassed about it."

He paused, sighing. His expression softened a bit as he spoke. "I just want to rest, and without constant worrying, is not that too hard to ask for?" He asked

"How am I harrasing you?? Also you probably did something to get sick, I had told you not to go in the rain without an umbrella and what did you do? The opposite" she said sounding annoyed at him

"You're constantly asking, and pestering me about it! 'Do you feel okay?' 'You seem pretty sick.' 'Is there anything I can do for you?" Tom said, his voice becoming a bit more strained again. He had to stop himself from coughing.

"Just, just do me a favor and let it go? I dont need to be always babied, it's just a simple cold and I'll be fine".

"Oh I'm sorry for caring for you then." She said rolling her eyes and went back to paying attention to their professor completely ignoring tom

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