In the hands of Hades

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My eyes drag open feeling heavier than a bag of bricks, there's dried saliva down my cheek and my body feels drowsy. How long have I been out. I drag myself up from the window and glance around at my distorted reality.

I tilt my head to the right and hear the satisfying crunch of bones in my neck, I tilt my head to the left and hear it again. I stalk around the living room in a daze trying to determine what time it is and where everyone is; I spin around and see the dark, twinkling sky through the window. Night.

I decide to go back to sleep in my bed and saunter towards the stairs when I hear the home phone drill into my ears with a blaring chime; I wince and dash to the phone to stop that incessant ringing. Who's calling at this hour anyway?

I reach the phone and pull it from the strong grip of its stand and hold it by my ear, "Hello?" I say matching the hushed tone of the house. Silence. "Hellooo?" I drag the words out, the confusion clear in my voice as I clutch the phone back onto its stand and head towards the stairs again in annoyance.

I'm a mear two steps up when that blaring siren fills my ears again, piercing a hole into my skull, I storm over to the phone and yank it off its holder, "What!" I yell into the phone, ready to tear whoever's calling apart.

I hear a dull breathing on the other end of the phone, I slow my own breathing and listen closely but it's stopped. "Okay seriously, whoever it is, either speak or stop calling" I utter down the phone, my voice breathy with annoyance.

I listen closely again for an answer, as expected; no one does. I'm about to pull the phone away from my ear when I hear a somewhat high voice, but male. "I know what you did."

My heart stops in an instant, My breathing goes rigid and my body goes still, the only sound to be heard is the tick of the clock; slowly counting down the seconds until my capture. tick.. tick... tick.. I drop the phone in horror, it clatters and rocks back and forth on the ground in echoing, ear splitting agony against my mind.

My breaths become short, in, out.. in, out. The next one is out before the other is back in, i'm hyperventilating in panic. Not again, not again, not again. I repeat like the constant and never ending ticks of the clock on the wall, haunting me, reminding me that time will keep going and this torture will never end.

Distress curls my stomach as my eyes shoot to the phone on the ground. Blood, blood. It's everywhere, the phone is dripping, the floor is covered. A splatter of blood drops to the floor and I look up in horror to see the phone stand coated in thick, ruby red blood, I feel my hands shaking uncontrollably as I look down in suspense.. blood. All over my hands, there's blood on my hands. There's blood, on my hands. This is real, this blood is staining me.

I sprint over the puddle of blood spreading across the kitchen floor and make a run to the door, I reach for the handle and push down but my hand slips off, blood. Again, my eyes dart around the room and to my horror there's blood covering every surface, this is what I deserve isn't it? Everything I touch will have the blood of Jason blemish it, just like it's blemished me, mind and body; soul and heart. Hands grasp me at every corner, trapping me into the helpless hands of Hades. I will never be clean.

My body shoots up, spine straight. There's cold sweat soaking my back and i'm heaving up air, Josh's hands are on my shoulders, grasping me. "Hey Pips, I think you were having a nightmare" He says it's so casually, like I didn't just have the most surreal nightmare of my life.

"Yeah.." My words come out shaky and my kneels buckle when I try to stand, "Just a nightmare".

Thanks for reading! I'm not gonna be writing another chapter unless more people read :)

Word count: 722

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